Greater celandine, also known as Chelidonium majus, is a remarkable plant renowned for its medicinal properties. Traditionally used in herbal medicine for centuries, this plant is considered nature’s healer. One of the most potent parts of greater celandine is its juice, which can be harvested and used for various health benefits. Here’s how to do it and why you might want to include this powerful plant in your natural remedy toolkit.

Benefits of Greater Celandine Juice

Greater celandine is packed with alkaloids and other compounds that contribute to its healing properties:

1. Skin Health: The juice of greater celandine is often used to treat skin conditions such as warts, eczema, and psoriasis. Its antiviral and antibacterial properties make it effective against various skin infections.

2. Digestive Aid: Traditionally, greater celandine has been used to support liver function and aid digestion. It can help stimulate bile production and relieve symptoms of indigestion.

3. Anti-Inflammatory: The plant’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain and swelling, making it useful for treating conditions like arthritis.

How to Harvest Greater Celandine Juice

Harvesting the juice from greater celandine is a simple process, but it requires some care. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Identify the Plant:

  • Greater celandine has bright yellow flowers and grows in clusters. It’s often found in woodlands, along roadsides, and in gardens.

2. Choose the Right Time:

  • The best time to harvest greater celandine is during its flowering season, typically from late spring to early summer. The plant is most potent when in bloom.

3. Gather Your Tools:

  • You’ll need a pair of gloves (to protect your hands from the plant’s sap, which can be irritating), a clean knife or scissors, and a container to collect the juice.

4. Harvest the Plant:

  • Cut the stems of the plant close to the ground. Be sure to wear gloves, as the sap can cause skin irritation. Place the cut stems in your container.

5. Extract the Juice:

  • Once you’ve collected the stems, gently squeeze them to extract the juice. You can do this by using your fingers or a small press. The juice is bright orange and should be collected in a clean container.

6. Use the Juice:

  • Apply the juice directly to the skin to treat warts, eczema, or other skin conditions. For internal use, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced herbalist, as greater celandine can be toxic if not used correctly.

7. Store Properly:

  • Fresh greater celandine juice can be stored in a refrigerator for a few days. For longer storage, consider freezing the juice in small portions.

Tips for Safe Use

  • Patch Test: Always do a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions before using the juice extensively.

  • Consult a Professional: Due to its potency, it’s important to use greater celandine under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for internal use.

  • Proper Identification: Make sure you’ve correctly identified the plant, as mistaking it for another plant could be harmful.


Greater celandine is a powerful natural healer with a wide range of benefits. Harvesting its juice can provide a potent remedy for various health issues, particularly skin conditions. By following these simple steps, you can safely and effectively harness the healing power of greater celandine. Enjoy the benefits of this remarkable plant and add a valuable tool to your natural health repertoire.