Avocado seed oil is a wonderful, natural oil that you can make at home. Known for its rich nutrient profile, this oil can be used for skin care, hair treatments, and even cooking. If you’re curious about how to create this beneficial oil from avocado seeds, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore a simple method to extract avocado seed oil at home.

Why Avocado Seed Oil?

Avocado seed oil is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats that can enhance your beauty routine and overall health. It’s great for moisturizing skin, promoting hair growth, and providing a nutritious cooking oil. Plus, making it yourself ensures that you’re using a pure, chemical-free product.

Health Benefits of Avocado Seed Oil

  1. Skin Moisturizer: Rich in vitamins A, D, and E, avocado seed oil hydrates and nourishes the skin.

  2. Promotes Hair Growth: The healthy fats and vitamins in the oil can strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss.

  3. Anti-Inflammatory: The antioxidants help reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for irritated skin.

  4. Nutrient-Rich Cooking Oil: This oil is packed with nutrients, making it a healthy choice for cooking.

How to Make Avocado Seed Oil

Making avocado seed oil at home is a bit time-consuming but straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:


  • Avocado seeds (as many as you have)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Seeds: After enjoying the avocado flesh, save the seeds. Wash them thoroughly to remove any remaining fruit.

  2. Dry the Seeds: Let the seeds dry completely. You can air dry them for a few days or use an oven set to a low temperature (around 120°F or 50°C) for 2 hours.

  3. Grate the Seeds: Once the seeds are dry, grate them using a cheese grater or a food processor. This increases the surface area and makes it easier to extract the oil.

  4. Roast the Grated Seeds: Spread the grated seeds on a baking sheet and roast them in the oven at 250°F (120°C) for about 1 hour, or until they turn brown. This helps release the oils.

  5. Blend the Seeds: Place the roasted, grated seeds into a blender and blend until you get a fine powder.

  6. Extract the Oil: Place the powder in a clean cloth or cheesecloth and squeeze out the oil. You can also use a press if you have one. Collect the oil in a clean container.

Using Your Avocado Seed Oil

Now that you have your homemade avocado seed oil, you can use it in various ways:

  • Skin Care: Apply a few drops to your face or body as a moisturizer.

  • Hair Care: Massage the oil into your scalp to promote hair growth and reduce dandruff.

  • Cooking: Use it as a nutritious cooking oil for sautéing or dressing salads.

A Simple Path to Natural Beauty and Health

Making avocado seed oil at home is a rewarding process that provides you with a versatile, nutrient-rich oil. Whether you use it for skin care, hair treatments, or cooking, this oil is a great addition to your natural health and beauty routine.

Why Not Give It a Try?

Next time you enjoy an avocado, don’t throw away the seed! Instead, turn it into valuable avocado seed oil. Your skin, hair, and taste buds will thank you!