Do you struggle with keeping your fridge smelling fresh? Well, we’ve got a simple and effective solution for you! Believe it or not, all you need is a household item that you probably have sitting in your pantry: salt. Yes, you heard it right! Salt can work wonders in keeping your fridge odor-free and fresh. Let’s find out why salt is the secret ingredient you’ve been missing and how it can benefit you.

Why Salt?

Salt is not just for seasoning your food; it also has impressive deodorizing and moisture-absorbing properties. When it comes to common fridge issues like unpleasant odors and excess humidity, salt can be your best friend. Here’s why:

1. Eliminates Odors

Are you tired of those lingering smells in your fridge? Don’t worry, salt can help neutralize them. Whether it’s leftover food, pungent cheese, or a forgotten mystery container, placing salt in your fridge can eliminate those unpleasant odors.

How to Use Salt for Odor Removal:

  • Grab a small, open container or bowl and fill it with salt.
  • Place the container on a shelf or in a corner of your fridge.
  • To maintain its effectiveness, remember to replace the salt every month.

2. Absorbs Moisture

Excess moisture in your fridge can lead to mold, mildew, and spoiled produce. Luckily, salt has the ability to absorb moisture naturally. By maintaining a dry environment, salt helps keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for a longer period.

How to Use Salt to Control Moisture:

  • Put an open container of salt in your fridge’s vegetable drawer.
  • This simple trick helps regulate humidity levels and prevents your produce from becoming soggy or moldy.

3. Keeps Food Fresher

When your fridge is free from odors and excess moisture, the result is fresher food that lasts longer. By using salt in your fridge, you not only extend the shelf life of your groceries but also improve the overall hygiene of your refrigerator.

How to Use Salt to Keep Your Food Fresher:

  • Sprinkle a bit of salt on a paper towel and place it under your fresh produce.
  • This will absorb any excess moisture and help keep your fruits and vegetables crisp.

4. Cost-Effective Solution

Why spend money on commercial deodorizers and moisture absorbers when you can use salt? This natural and inexpensive alternative is not only kind to your wallet but also reduces the use of harsh chemicals in your home.

How to Make the Most of Salt for Your Fridge:

  • Reuse old containers or bowls to hold the salt, making it a sustainable and cost-effective solution for fridge maintenance.

Additional Tips

Want to take your fridge freshness to the next level? Here are a couple more tricks for you:

  • Baking Soda Booster: Mix baking soda with salt for an extra odor-absorbing and moisture-controlling combo. Both these ingredients work wonders in keeping your fridge fresh.
  • Essential Oils: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the salt for a pleasant fragrance every time you open your fridge.


Who knew that a simple item like salt could be the answer to all your fridge freshness troubles? By leveraging salt’s natural deodorizing and moisture-absorbing properties, you can transform your refrigerator into an odor-free and fresh oasis. So why not give this easy trick a try? Your fridge—and your food—will thank you!