Look at your fingernails, did you notice a white half-moon shape that starts at your nail beds? Don’t ignore it, because it’s actually a very important part of your nails. This little area is called the “lunula,” which means “little moon” in Latin. And believe it or not, it can reveal a lot about your health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lunula is seen as a reflection of one’s health. The condition of your lunula can indicate the state of your health. When your health declines, changes may occur in your lunula or it may disappear completely. However, when your health improves, your lunula will return to its original state.

What Does It Say About Someone’s Health — both the Lack of It or the Presence of It?

Having 8 to 10 milky white lunulas on both hands is considered a sign of good health, according to medical experts. The whiter the lunula, the stronger your overall health.

  • Normal Lunulae: The more lunulae a person has, the higher their energy levels, overall health, and immunity. If you have lunulae on all of your fingers, it indicates good physical energy and a reduced risk of falling sick.

  • Missing Lunulae: On the other hand, if you have missing lunulae or only have them on your thumbs, it may indicate lower energy levels, poor overall health, and weakened immunity. It’s important to pay attention to this and take care of your health to prevent potential issues.

Various studies have shown that the absence of lunulae on your fingernails may be associated with systemic disorders such as thyroid or pituitary gland issues, iron deficiency, chronic renal failure, depression, and possible B-12 deficiency. If you notice missing lunulae, it is essential to have your iodine and Vitamin B-12 levels checked, as well as your thyroid function and blood pressure. Taking these steps can help ensure that any underlying health issues are addressed.

To sum it up, the lunula is considered a sign of how healthy you are. Therefore, any changes in your lunula should be taken seriously and prompt you to seek medical advice. Your overall well-being is essential, so make sure to prioritize your health and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.