Garlic is a kitchen staple that adds flavor and nutrition to countless dishes. Properly storing garlic can keep it fresh and usable for years. Here are some effective methods to store garlic and ensure it stays intact and flavorful for as long as possible.

1. Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Garlic bulbs thrive in cool, dry conditions. Here’s how to store them properly:

  • Choose the Right Spot: Find a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place like a pantry or a cupboard. The ideal temperature is between 60°F and 65°F (15°C to 18°C).

  • Use a Mesh Bag or Basket: Store garlic bulbs in a mesh bag, basket, or a paper bag. These allow air circulation, which helps prevent mold and rot.

  • Keep Whole Bulbs: Store garlic as whole bulbs rather than individual cloves. Whole bulbs last longer because the papery skin protects the cloves.

2. Hanging Braids

If you have a large quantity of garlic, braiding the bulbs and hanging them is an attractive and practical storage solution:

  • Prepare the Garlic: After harvesting, leave the stems and leaves attached to the bulbs. Allow the garlic to dry or cure in a cool, dry place for a few weeks.

  • Braid the Stems: Once the garlic is cured, braid the stems together. This can be done by weaving three or more stems together, adding additional bulbs as you braid.

  • Hang the Braids: Hang the braided garlic in a cool, dry place. This not only preserves the garlic but also adds a rustic charm to your kitchen.

3. Freezing Garlic

Freezing is an excellent option for long-term storage while retaining flavor:

  • Peel the Cloves: Separate and peel the garlic cloves.

  • Flash Freeze: Place the peeled cloves on a baking sheet and freeze them for a few hours until they are solid.

  • Store in Freezer Bags: Transfer the frozen cloves to an airtight freezer bag or container. Label with the date and return them to the freezer. Frozen garlic can last up to a year without losing its flavor.

4. Dehydrating Garlic

Dehydrating garlic extends its shelf life significantly and is easy to do:

  • Slice the Cloves: Peel and thinly slice the garlic cloves.

  • Dehydrate: Use a food dehydrator set to 125°F (52°C) and dehydrate the slices until they are completely dry and brittle.

  • Store in Airtight Containers: Place the dried garlic in airtight containers or jars. Store them in a cool, dark place. You can grind the dried garlic into powder or keep it as slices.

5. Storing in Oil (Short-Term)

While storing garlic in oil is not recommended for long-term storage due to the risk of botulism, it can be done safely for short-term use:

  • Peel and Chop: Peel and chop the garlic cloves.

  • Submerge in Oil: Place the chopped garlic in a glass jar and cover it with olive oil.

  • Refrigerate: Store the jar in the refrigerator and use it within a week. Always keep it refrigerated to prevent bacterial growth.


Storing garlic properly ensures you always have this essential ingredient at hand, ready to enhance your culinary creations. Whether you choose to store it in a cool, dry place, braid it, freeze it, dehydrate it, or store it in oil for short-term use, these methods will keep your garlic fresh and flavorful for years. Enjoy the many benefits of having perfectly preserved garlic in your kitchen!