If you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective way to make your own cheese at home, look no further. This homemade cheese made from yogurt requires no cooking and is both delicious and incredibly easy to prepare. Perfect for spreading on toast, adding to salads, or enjoying as a snack, this yogurt cheese is sure to become a favorite in your household. Here’s how you can make it.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • Yogurt: 4 cups (plain, full-fat or Greek yogurt works best)

  • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon (optional, for flavor)

  • Herbs and Spices: Optional, for added flavor (e.g., garlic, chives, dill)

Step-by-Step Recipe Guide:

  1. Prepare Your Materials:

    • You’ll need a large bowl, a fine mesh strainer or colander, and a clean cheesecloth or thin kitchen towel. If you don’t have cheesecloth, a clean kitchen towel will work just fine.

  2. Line the Strainer:

    • Line the strainer or colander with the cheesecloth or kitchen towel, ensuring it covers the entire surface and hangs over the edges.

  3. Pour the Yogurt:

    • Pour the 4 cups of yogurt into the lined strainer. If you prefer a slightly salty cheese, mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into the yogurt before pouring it into the strainer.

  4. Strain the Yogurt:

    • Gather the edges of the cheesecloth and tie them together to form a bundle. Hang this bundle over a bowl to allow the whey to drain out. If you don’t have a way to hang it, simply leave it in the strainer over the bowl.

    • Let the yogurt strain for at least 4 hours, but for best results, let it drain overnight in the refrigerator. The longer it strains, the thicker the cheese will be.

  5. Check the Consistency:

    • After the yogurt has strained, untie the cheesecloth and check the consistency. If it’s to your liking, transfer the cheese to a bowl. If you prefer a thicker cheese, let it strain for a few more hours.

  6. Flavor the Cheese (Optional):

    • For added flavor, mix in your favorite herbs and spices. Garlic, chives, dill, or a sprinkle of black pepper can enhance the taste and make your cheese even more delicious.

  7. Serve and Enjoy:

    • Your homemade yogurt cheese is now ready to enjoy! Spread it on toast, use it as a dip, or add it to your favorite dishes. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Why This Recipe Works:

  • Simplicity: With no cooking required, this recipe is incredibly easy and quick to prepare.

  • Cost-Effective: Using just yogurt and a few optional ingredients, this cheese is cheap to make and much more affordable than store-bought alternatives.

  • Healthy and Delicious: Yogurt cheese is rich in probiotics, protein, and calcium, making it a healthy addition to your diet.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Use High-Quality Yogurt: Full-fat or Greek yogurt works best for a creamier, richer cheese.

  • Strain Longer for Thickness: The longer you strain the yogurt, the thicker and more spreadable the cheese will be.


Making homemade cheese from yogurt is a fun, easy, and cost-effective way to enjoy delicious, creamy cheese without any cooking. With just a few simple steps, you can create a versatile cheese that’s perfect for a variety of dishes. Give this recipe a try, and you’ll love how simple and tasty it is. Enjoy your homemade yogurt cheese!