Having white hair can be a big aesthetic concern for many men and women, affecting their self-confidence. While there are various treatments available, most of them are loaded with chemicals and provide only temporary solutions. What’s more concerning is that an increasing number of people in their 30s are experiencing this problem. The best approach is to opt for a natural solution that doesn’t harm our health.

During my online research, I came across an ancient recipe that claims to darken gray hair. It involves using potato rinds, which are easily accessible and have natural coloring properties. Follow the instructions below to try out this natural treatment for white hair.


  1. Peel 5 to 6 medium to large potatoes.
  2. Place the potato rinds in a pan with 2 cups of water. Heat the mixture on high fire until it warms up, then reduce the heat and let it boil for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool down, and then transfer it to a large bowl. Strain the water and remove the potato rinds. Pour the water into a glass bottle and seal it tightly. To enhance the smell, you can add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil.
  4. Wash and condition your hair as usual. Leave the conditioner on your hair for one to two minutes before rinsing it off. Gray hair tends to be drier, so make sure to properly hydrate it.
  5. Massage the water from the potato rinds into your hair thoroughly. Don’t rinse it out!
  6. Dry and style your hair as you normally would.
  7. Remember not to store the potato rinds’ water in the fridge. Prepare more when you run out of it.
  8. Repeat the treatment every day or 2-3 times a week for several weeks or months. Keep in mind that it takes time to see positive results, so be patient.

By following this natural treatment consistently, you may start to notice a difference in the color of your hair. Embrace the opportunity to say goodbye to white hair forever and regain your confidence. Remember, it’s important to prioritize your health and choose natural solutions whenever possible.