Preserved lemons are a delightful and versatile addition to many dishes, bringing a burst of tangy, savory flavor to everything from salads to stews. The best part? You only need lemons and salt, and there’s no need for precise measurements. Here’s how you can make easy preserved lemons at home.

Why Preserved Lemons?

**1. Burst of Flavor: Preserved lemons add a unique, tangy, and slightly salty flavor to dishes, enhancing the overall taste.

**2. Versatile Ingredient: They can be used in a variety of recipes, from Moroccan tagines to salad dressings and marinades.

**3. Simple to Make: With just two ingredients and minimal effort, you can create a delicious kitchen staple.


  • Fresh lemons (as many as you like)

  • Coarse sea salt (enough to generously cover the lemons)


  1. Prepare the Lemons:

    • Start by thoroughly washing the lemons to remove any dirt or wax. Pat them dry with a clean towel. Cut off any stems if they are present.

  2. Slice the Lemons:

    • Cut the lemons into quarters, but not all the way through. Leave the quarters attached at the base so that the lemon opens up like a flower.

  3. Salt the Lemons:

    • Open the lemons slightly and generously pack them with coarse sea salt. Make sure to cover all the cut surfaces. Don’t worry about measuring; just use enough salt to coat the lemon pieces well.

  4. Pack the Jar:

    • Place a layer of salt at the bottom of a clean, sterilized glass jar. Start packing the salted lemons into the jar, pressing them down to release some of the juice. Add more salt between layers of lemons.

  5. Seal and Store:

    • Once the jar is full, add an extra layer of salt on top. Seal the jar tightly with a lid. Leave the jar at room temperature for a couple of days, then move it to the refrigerator.

  6. Wait and Use:

    • Let the lemons ferment for at least three weeks. The longer they sit, the better they will taste. When ready to use, remove a lemon from the jar, rinse off the excess salt, and chop or slice the peel as needed.

Additional Tips

  • Choosing Lemons: Organic lemons are best since you’ll be using the peel. If you can’t find organic, make sure to wash the lemons thoroughly.

  • Storage: Preserved lemons can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year. The flavor continues to develop over time.

  • Using the Brine: The salty lemon brine can be used to flavor soups, stews, and even cocktails.

Benefits of Preserved Lemons

  • Enhanced Flavor: Adds a deep, complex flavor to a wide range of dishes.

  • Longevity: Preserving lemons extends their shelf life, allowing you to enjoy their vibrant taste year-round.

  • Nutrient Boost: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, and preserving them retains these benefits.


Making preserved lemons at home is incredibly simple and rewarding. With just lemons and salt, you can create a flavorful ingredient that enhances a variety of dishes. No measuring is needed, making this recipe as easy as it gets. Try making your own preserved lemons and discover the magic they bring to your culinary creations. Happy cooking!
