Dealing with a cockroach infestation can be frustrating. Fortunately, there are natural, safe methods to eliminate these pests from your home permanently. Here’s a roundup of 12 effective and natural strategies to keep cockroaches at bay.

1. Keep Your Home Clean

Regularly clean counters, sinks, and floors to remove crumbs and spills. Cockroaches are attracted to food residues, so keeping your space tidy can help prevent them.

2. Seal Entry Points

Check for cracks and crevices around your home, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, and seal them. This limits the entry points for cockroaches.

3. Boric Acid

Sprinkle boric acid along the perimeters of your rooms and under the appliances. It’s lethal to cockroaches, but use it cautiously as it can be toxic if ingested by pets or children.

4. Baking Soda and Sugar

Mix equal parts of baking soda and sugar and place it near cockroach-infested areas. The sugar attracts them, and the baking born kills them when ingested.

5. Bay Leaves

Place bay leaves in cockroach entry points. The scent repels them. It’s not lethal, but it can help keep them away.

6. Citrus Cleaners

Use citrus-based cleaners in your kitchen and bathroom. Cockroaches dislike the scent of lemon and other citrus fruits.

7. Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around areas where cockroaches might enter your home. It’s harmless to humans and pets but deadly to cockroaches.

8. Essential Oils

Mix a few drops of peppermint, tea tree, or cypress oil with water in a spray bottle and apply to affected areas. The strong scent deters cockroaches.

9. Cucumber Peels

Place fresh cucumber peels in your kitchen. The scent of cucumber is another natural repellent for cockroaches.

10. Coffee Traps

Place wet coffee grounds in a jar lined with petroleum jelly on the inside. Cockroaches are attracted to the coffee smell and get trapped.

11. Soap and Water

A spray bottle filled with soapy water can be effective. Spraying roaches directly with soapy water will suffocate them.

12. Neem

Spray neem oil or use neem powder as a deterrent. Neem acts as a natural pesticide.


While dealing with cockroaches can be challenging, employing these natural methods can help you manage and eliminate infestations without resorting to harsh chemicals. Regular maintenance and cleaning are crucial in keeping your home roach-free. Try these solutions to create a cleaner, healthier living environment.