An unhealthy diet and a stressful lifestyle can be detrimental to your health, especially when it comes to your heart. In fact, heart attacks have become the leading cause of death worldwide in recent years. However, there are steps you can take to protect your heart and lower your risk. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, including eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting a good night’s sleep of 8 hours, and reducing stress levels, you can improve your heart health.

Additionally, it is crucial to pay attention to the warning signs your body may give you, as they can indicate potential heart problems. Here are six symptoms that may occur about a month before a heart attack:

1. Shortness of Breath

If you find yourself feeling out of breath, even with minimal exertion, it could be a sign that your heart is struggling to pump enough blood and oxygen to your lungs. If you experience shortness of breath, it is important to contact your physician immediately.

2. Cold and Flu Symptoms

While cold and flu symptoms may seem harmless on their own, if they are accompanied by any other symptoms on this list, they could indicate a more serious issue. It is important not to dismiss these symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary.

3. Chest Pressure

Chest pain or pressure is often the most obvious sign that a heart attack may be imminent. If you experience any discomfort in your chest, it is essential to consult a doctor right away.

4. Weakness

When the heart is weak, it fails to provide adequate blood and oxygen to the body’s tissues, including the muscles. As a result, constant fatigue and weakness may occur. If you are experiencing persistent weakness, it is advisable to consult your physician.

5. Cold Sweats and Dizziness

Poor circulation can disrupt the flow of blood to the brain, affecting its proper functioning. If you frequently experience cold sweats and dizziness, it may be a sign of reduced blood flow and should be addressed by a medical professional.

6. Sleepiness

If you consistently feel excessively sleepy and tired, even after getting sufficient rest, it could be due to insufficient blood pumping to the heart. This symptom should not be ignored and warrants a visit to your doctor.

Prevention is key when it comes to heart attacks. By recognizing and addressing these warning signs in a timely manner, you can significantly reduce your risk of experiencing a heart attack. Remember, your heart health is in your hands, so take care of it!

Check out this helpful video for more information: