Apple cider vinegar (ACV) and baking soda are two popular household items that have gained a lot of attention for their supposed health benefits. But is combining these two really healthy? Let’s explore the truth about this dynamic duo in a friendly and easy-to-understand way.

What Are Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda?

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Made from fermented apple juice, ACV is rich in acetic acid, vitamins, and minerals. It’s often touted for its health benefits, including aiding digestion, improving skin health, and supporting weight loss.

Baking Soda: Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a common kitchen staple used for baking and cleaning. It has alkaline properties and is often used to neutralize acids and as a mild exfoliant for the skin.

The Combination: How It Works

When mixed together, ACV and baking soda create a fizzy reaction due to the acid-base reaction between acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate. This combination is often promoted as a natural remedy for various health issues, but what’s the real story?

Potential Benefits

1. Digestive Health:

  • Balancing pH Levels: Some proponents suggest that this mixture can help balance the body’s pH levels, potentially aiding digestion. ACV is acidic, while baking soda is alkaline, so together they may help neutralize stomach acid.

2. Detoxification:

  • Natural Detox: The idea is that ACV’s detoxifying properties combined with baking soda’s alkalinity can help flush out toxins from the body. However, scientific evidence supporting this is limited.

3. Skin Care:

  • Acne Treatment: ACV’s antibacterial properties, combined with baking soda’s exfoliating effects, may help clear up acne. But it’s important to use this mixture cautiously, as it can be harsh on the skin.

Cautions and Considerations

1. Overuse Risks:

  • Digestive Issues: Overconsumption of this mixture can lead to digestive discomfort, such as bloating and gas. It’s essential to use it in moderation.

2. Tooth Enamel Erosion:

  • Acidic Damage: ACV is highly acidic and can erode tooth enamel if consumed frequently. Always dilute ACV with water to minimize this risk.

3. Skin Irritation:

  • Sensitivity: Applying this mixture to the skin can cause irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. Always perform a patch test first.

How to Use It Safely

For Drinking:

  • Recipe: Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it once a day, preferably before a meal.

For Skin Care:

  • Recipe: Combine equal parts ACV and water, then add a pinch of baking soda. Apply gently to the skin and rinse off after a few minutes.


While the combination of apple cider vinegar and baking soda can offer some health benefits, it’s crucial to use them wisely. Moderation is key, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before adding new remedies to your routine. Enjoy the potential perks, but stay informed and cautious. Cheers to your health! 🍎🍏