Discovering a natural and effective way to tackle common garden pests like aphids, ants, mosquitoes, and velvet bugs can transform your gardening experience. If you’re looking for an alternative to commercial insecticides, a simple bay leaf water solution could be the answer. It’s easy to make, environmentally friendly, and safe to use around your home and garden. Here’s how to create and use this natural pest deterrent.

1. Why Bay Leaves?

Bay leaves are more than just a kitchen staple. They contain compounds like eucalyptol and cineole, which are known for their potent insect-repelling properties. These natural compounds can effectively deter various pests without harming your plants or the environment.

2. Preparing Bay Leaf Water

Making your own bay leaf insecticide is straightforward. You’ll need:

  • Fresh or dried bay leaves

  • Water

  • A spray bottle

  • A pot for boiling


  1. Take about 10-15 large bay leaves, and if they are dried, crush them lightly to release more of their oils.

  2. Boil a liter of water and add the bay leaves. Let them simmer for about 15 minutes.

  3. Remove the pot from heat and allow the mixture to steep until it cools down completely.

  4. Strain the mixture to remove the leaves and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.

3. How to Use Your Bay Leaf Solution

  • Direct Application: Spray the bay leaf water directly on the affected plants. Focus on the undersides of leaves and around the stem where pests are most likely to hide.

  • Preventive Measures: Regularly mist your plants with bay leaf water to prevent future infestations. It’s best used in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the strong sun which could potentially harm the plants during application.

  • Indoor Use: You can also use this solution inside your home. Spray around windowsills, doorways, and other entry points to deter ants and mosquitoes.

4. Additional Tips

  • Reapply the solution every week or after heavy rain to maintain its effectiveness.

  • Always test the spray on a small part of the plant first to ensure that it does not react negatively.


Using a bay leaf water solution is a fantastic way to manage pests naturally. This method not only keeps your garden healthy and free from harmful chemicals but also protects the environment. Enjoy your gardening more and worry less about pests with this simple, homemade remedy. Happy gardening!