Have you ever thought of using coffee grounds in your bathroom? It might sound unusual, but this simple hack can actually help keep your toilet fresh and clean. Not only does it utilize something you might otherwise throw away, but it also offers an easy and eco-friendly solution to common toilet issues. Here’s how you can use coffee grounds to benefit your bathroom, step by step.

Why Use Coffee Grounds in the Toilet?

Coffee grounds have natural abrasive and acidic properties that make them excellent for cleaning and deodorizing. When used in the toilet, they can help remove buildup and stains, leaving behind a fresher, cleaner bowl. Plus, the natural oils in coffee can help neutralize odors, giving your bathroom a mild, pleasant aroma.

How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Toilet

Here’s a simple guide on how to use coffee grounds effectively in your toilet:

  1. Collect the Grounds: After brewing your coffee, instead of discarding the grounds, collect them in a small container. You only need a small amount, roughly the equivalent of one cup of brewed coffee’s worth of grounds.

  2. Wait for the Right Time: It’s best to use the grounds when they are fresh, so plan to clean your toilet shortly after your morning coffee.

  3. Prepare the Toilet: Before you add the coffee grounds, make sure to flush your toilet so the bowl is wet.

  4. Apply the Coffee Grounds: Sprinkle the wet coffee grounds directly into the toilet bowl. Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl with the grounds, focusing on any stains or rings. The grounds work as a mild abrasive, helping to scrub away buildup without damaging the porcelain.

  5. Let It Sit: Allow the coffee grounds to sit for 5-10 minutes. This gives the acids time to work on stains and the oils to deodorize the bowl.

  6. Flush Away: After letting the grounds sit, give the toilet a good scrub once more with the brush and then flush. This should clear away all the coffee grounds along with any loosened grime.


Using coffee grounds in your toilet is a smart and sustainable way to tackle bathroom cleaning. Not only does it save you from using harsh chemicals, but it also repurposes waste into a useful cleaning agent. Next time you make a pot of coffee, save those grounds and give your toilet an eco-friendly shine. You might be surprised at just how effective this simple trick can be!