Have you ever thought about growing your own cherry trees from seeds? It’s a rewarding process that can add beauty and fruit to your garden. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to help you get started with growing cherry trees right from the seeds of fresh cherries.

1. Collecting the Seeds

First, you’ll need to obtain cherry seeds, which you can easily do by saving the pits from cherries you eat. It’s best to use seeds from organic cherries since non-organic fruits might have growth inhibitors.

2. Preparing the Seeds

Cherry seeds need to be prepared through a process called stratification, which simulates winter conditions. To do this:

  • Clean the pits thoroughly, removing all the fruit residue.

  • Let them dry for a few days.

  • Place the dried pits in a container filled with moist peat moss or vermiculite.

  • Seal the container in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator. Keep them chilled for about 10-12 weeks.

3. Planting the Seeds

After the stratification period, the seeds are ready to be planted:

  • Fill small pots with a well-draining soil mix.

  • Plant the seeds about two inches deep into the soil.

  • Water the soil until it’s moist but not soggy.

4. Caring for Seedlings

Place the pots in a sunny location where they can get at least six hours of sunlight daily. Keep the soil consistently moist but be careful not to overwater. Once the seedlings sprout and grow a few inches tall, they can be gradually acclimated to outdoor conditions if you started them indoors.

5. Transplanting

When your cherry seedlings are strong enough, and the outdoor temperatures are stable, you can transplant them into your garden. Choose a sunny spot with good drainage and enough space for the trees to mature.

6. Ongoing Care

Cherry trees require regular watering, especially during dry spells, and benefit from annual pruning to maintain their shape and health. Fertilize them in spring with a balanced fertilizer to encourage growth.


Growing cherry trees from seed is a delightful project that can yield beautiful blooms and delicious fruit. With patience and care, you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor and the shade of your cherry trees for years to come!