If fruit flies have become unwelcome guests in your home, fear not! With these eight proven methods, you can say goodbye to those pesky flies for good. Each strategy is simple to implement and uses items you likely already have around your home, making this an easy fix for a frustrating problem.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

Pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into a glass, cover it with plastic wrap, and secure it with a rubber band. Poke small holes in the wrap. The vinegar attracts the flies, and they can’t escape once they’re inside.

2. Wine Trap

Like vinegar, fruit flies are attracted to the scent of wine. Leave out an open bottle with a little leftover wine. The narrow neck keeps the flies trapped.

3. Dish Soap and Vinegar Solution

Mix a bowl of vinegar and a few drops of dish soap. The soap cuts the surface tension of the vinegar, so the flies will sink and drown upon landing.

4. Sticky Trap

Take a bright yellow index card and coat it with honey or a sticky adhesive. Stand it in a pot near where the flies are most active. They’re attracted to the bright color and will get stuck.

5. Keep Your Sink Clean

Fruit flies breed in moist, damp places like sinks and drain areas. Keep these areas clean and dry when not in use.

6. Dispose of Overripe Produce

Fruit flies thrive on high-fructose substances. Regularly check your fruit bowl and dispose of any overripe or damaged fruit that could attract flies.

7. Freeze Them Out

Fruit flies hate the cold. By keeping your produce in the refrigerator and not on the counter, you reduce their food sources.

8. Essential Oil Spray

Create a spray using peppermint, lemongrass, or basil oil mixed with water. Spray it around affected areas to repel fruit flies with the scent.


With these effective and natural methods, you can quickly and safely eliminate fruit flies from your home. Consistency is key, so continue using these methods as needed to keep fruit flies at bay permanently. Enjoy your fruit fly-free home and the peace of mind that comes with it!