Have you ever thought of adding toothpaste to your coffee? While it might sound unconventional, or even a bit bizarre, some adventurous souls have tried this quirky mix. Here’s a light-hearted look at what happens when you blend these two morning staples together. Spoiler alert: it’s more about fun science than culinary innovation!

Why Even Try Toothpaste in Coffee?

Toothpaste and coffee are both morning rituals, but they serve very different purposes. Coffee offers a beloved caffeine boost and a comforting start to the day, while toothpaste cleans and freshens your breath. Combining them might seem counterintuitive, but it’s an interesting experiment in flavors and reactions.

What Happens When You Mix Toothpaste with Coffee?

  1. Flavor Surprise: The most immediate effect of mixing toothpaste with coffee is the taste. Toothpaste is predominantly minty, and when combined with the robust, bitter flavor of coffee, the result is quite unique. If you’re into experimenting with flavors, this could be an eye-opening experience, though perhaps not the most palatable one!

  2. Chemical Reaction: There’s a mild chemical interaction between toothpaste and coffee. Most toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can slightly neutralize some of the acids in coffee. The result? A smoother, less acidic sip that’s intriguingly minty.

  3. Visual Change: Depending on the type of toothpaste used (gel vs. paste), you might notice a change in the coffee’s appearance. A swirl of toothpaste can create a marbled effect, turning your morning cup into a mini art project.

Should You Make It a Habit?

While it’s safe to try this combination (as long as you use a very small amount of toothpaste), it’s probably not something you’d want to make part of your daily routine. The strong mint flavor of toothpaste overwhelmingly masks the rich notes of coffee, and the health benefits of both are best enjoyed separately.


Adding toothpaste to coffee is certainly an eye-opener, but more in terms of novelty than culinary delight. It’s a fun experiment that can add a little excitement to your morning, but for daily enjoyment, it’s best to keep your toothpaste and coffee at different times of your morning routine. Stick to enjoying your aromatic cup of coffee as it is, and let toothpaste do what it does best—keeping your smile bright and fresh!