If you’re looking for a simple way to boost the nutritional value of almonds, consider soaking them overnight. Often referred to as “activated almonds,” this process not only enhances their digestibility but also makes their nutrients more readily available. Perfect for anyone following a healthy, keto, paleo, or vegan diet, activated almonds are a delicious and nutritious snack. Here’s how to soak almonds and why you might want to incorporate this practice into your diet.

Why Soak Almonds?

  1. Enhances Digestibility:

    • Soaking almonds helps to break down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors that can impair the absorption of nutrients and digestion. The process softens the almonds, making them easier to chew and digest.

  2. Increases Nutrient Availability:

    • The soaking process activates enzyme activity which increases the nutrient profile of the almonds. Nutrients like vitamin B and zinc become more available, enhancing their overall health benefits.

  3. Improves Texture and Flavor:

    • Soaked almonds have a softer, more buttery texture which makes them a versatile ingredient in recipes. They also taste sweeter and less bitter.

How to Soak Almonds


  • Raw almonds

  • Water

  • A pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Preparation:

    • Measure out the amount of almonds you want to soak. A good rule of thumb is one part almonds to two parts water.

  2. Soaking:

    • Place the almonds in a bowl. If desired, add a pinch of salt to enhance the activation process.

    • Cover the almonds completely with room temperature water. They will swell as they absorb water, so make sure there’s enough to keep them submerged.

  3. Duration:

    • Let the almonds soak in the water for 12 hours, or overnight. This duration is optimal for neutralizing enzyme inhibitors and releasing phytic acid.

  4. Draining and Rinsing:

    • After soaking, drain the almonds and rinse them thoroughly under cold water. At this point, they should feel a little squishy if you pinch them.

  5. Storing or Using:

    • You can eat the almonds right away, or store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. If you prefer them dry, you can dehydrate them in an oven on the lowest setting or in a food dehydrator until they’re crispy again.


Activated almonds are a fantastic addition to any diet, providing improved nutrition, better digestibility, and a delicious taste. Whether you’re eating them as a snack, tossing them into a salad, or blending them into almond milk, these soaked nuts are sure to provide a boost of health benefits. Try soaking almonds tonight and enjoy a healthier, tastier version of this incredible superfood!