Ginger is a wonderful addition to many dishes and boasts significant health benefits, but it can shrivel up or mold if not stored properly. To help you keep ginger fresh and potent for months, here are four effective storage methods that will ensure you always have this versatile root on hand.

1. Refrigerator Storage for Fresh Ginger

  • Preparation: Start with fresh ginger root that feels firm to the touch. Brush off any dirt and dry it thoroughly.

  • Method: Wrap the ginger loosely in a paper towel to absorb any moisture. Then, place it in a resealable plastic bag, squeeze out all the air, and seal it. Store the bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.

  • Duration: Properly stored, fresh ginger can last up to three weeks in the refrigerator.

2. Freezing Whole Ginger

  • Preparation: If you prefer to keep your ginger for even longer, consider freezing it. Thereโ€™s no need to peel it; just wash and dry thoroughly.

  • Method: Place the whole ginger root in a freezer-safe bag. Remove as much air as possible before sealing the bag.

  • Usage: When you need ginger for cooking, you can grate it directly from the freezer into your dish. Frozen ginger is actually easier to grate, and you can return the rest to the freezer immediately.

  • Duration: Ginger stored this way can last for several months.

3. Freezing Ginger Puree

  • Preparation: Peel and chop the ginger into chunks.

  • Method: Blend the chunks in a food processor to make a puree. Spoon the puree into an ice cube tray and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer the ginger cubes into a freezer bag.

  • Usage: Each cube can be popped out as needed, perfect for smoothies, stir-fries, or making tea.

  • Duration: This method extends gingerโ€™s freshness for up to six months.

4. Storing Dried Ginger

  • Preparation: Peel and thinly slice the ginger.

  • Method: Arrange the slices on a baking sheet and dry them in an oven at the lowest setting until completely dry and brittle. Store the dried slices in an airtight container.

  • Usage: Dried ginger is excellent for ground spices or steeped for tea.

  • Duration: Properly dried ginger can last up to a year.


By using these storage methods, you can maximize the shelf life of ginger, ensuring it remains fresh and flavorful for your cooking and health needs. Whether you choose to refrigerate, freeze, or dry your ginger, each method offers a convenient way to have this essential ingredient ready for use anytime you need it.