Making your own mozzarella cheese at home might seem like a gourmet feat, but it’s actually quite simple and requires only two basic ingredients. Whether you’re a cheese lover or just looking for a fun kitchen project, this homemade mozzarella recipe without rennet is perfect for crafting a fresh, creamy cheese that’s versatile enough to be used in salads, sandwiches, or melted over your favorite dishes.

Why Make Your Own Cheese?

Homemade mozzarella not only tastes fresher and richer than most store-bought versions, but it also gives you control over the ingredients. By making cheese at home, you can ensure it’s free from preservatives and made to your taste preference. Plus, it’s a rewarding process that brings a touch of artisanal craft to your kitchen.


  • 1 gallon of whole milk (not ultra-pasteurized)

  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar or lemon juice


  • Large pot

  • Thermometer (optional)

  • Slotted spoon

  • Cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer

  • Bowl for straining


  1. Heat the Milk: Place the milk in a large pot over medium heat. Warm the milk slowly, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching on the bottom. If you have a thermometer, heat the milk to about 185°F (85°C). If you don’t have a thermometer, just heat until it’s hot to the touch but not boiling.

  2. Add the Acid: Remove the pot from heat. Slowly stir in the white vinegar or lemon juice. Continue stirring gently for a couple of minutes as the milk begins to curdle. You’ll see the curds (solid parts) separate from the whey (liquid).

  3. Let it Sit: Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed for 5 to 10 minutes. This helps the curds further solidify.

  4. Strain the Curds: Line a bowl with cheesecloth or use a fine mesh strainer to separate the curds from the whey. Gently scoop out the curds with a slotted spoon and place them in the cheesecloth or strainer. Let the curds drain for about 5 minutes.

  5. Form the Cheese: Once drained, you can knead the curds gently to expel more whey. Press the curds together to form a ball. For a smoother texture, you can heat the curds in the microwave for 10-20 seconds, then stretch and fold until shiny.

  6. Cool and Store: Place your mozzarella ball in a bowl of cold water to set its shape and cool it down quickly. You can also add salt to the water if you prefer your cheese salted. After it cools, your homemade mozzarella is ready to enjoy!

This simple, two-ingredient mozzarella cheese is delightful in its freshness and simplicity. Serve it fresh with tomatoes and basil, melt it on a homemade pizza, or enjoy it as a snack with crackers. Making cheese at home can be a wonderfully satisfying experience, and this recipe is an excellent starting point for any aspiring home cheesemaker. Enjoy your creation!