Oregano isn’t just for pizza or pasta; it’s also a fantastic herb for making a refreshing and healthful juice. Rich in antioxidants, antibacterial properties, and packed with nutrients, oregano juice is a delightful way to boost your overall health. Whether you’re looking to enhance your diet with more greens or seeking a new herbal remedy, this oregano juice recipe is a must-try. Here’s how to prepare it, along with some insights into its surprising health benefits.

Why Oregano? Oregano is more than just a culinary herb. It contains significant amounts of vitamin K, antioxidants, and fiber. It’s also renowned for its natural antibacterial properties, thanks to compounds like thymol and carvacrol. Integrating oregano into a juice allows you to benefit from its properties in a concentrated and refreshing form.


  • A handful of fresh oregano leaves (about one cup)

  • 1 green apple, for sweetness and additional health benefits

  • 1 cucumber, to add freshness and increase the juice volume

  • 1 lemon, for a tangy flavor and vitamin C boost

  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root, for a spicy kick and digestive aid

  • 1-2 cups of water or coconut water, depending on desired consistency

  • Honey or another natural sweetener, to taste (optional)


  1. Prepare the Ingredients:

    • Thoroughly wash the oregano leaves, apple, and cucumber. Peel the lemon and ginger root. Core the apple and cut all the ingredients into pieces small enough to fit your juicer.

  2. Juicing:

    • Start by juicing the oregano leaves, followed by the apple, cucumber, lemon, and ginger. The fibrous greens can sometimes clog juicers if not alternated with juicier fruits like apples and cucumbers.

  3. Adjust the Flavor:

    • Once everything is juiced, taste the mixture. If it’s too tart or intense, add some honey or another sweetener to balance out the flavors. You can also dilute the juice with water or coconut water if it’s too strong.

  4. Serve Chilled:

    • Serve the juice immediately over ice for the best flavor, or store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Health Benefits:

  • Drinking oregano juice can help enhance your immune system, soothe indigestion, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. It’s particularly good for respiratory tract health, making it a great choice for those looking to maintain optimal wellness naturally.

Conclusion: This oregano juice is not only a powerhouse of health benefits but also a refreshing and tasty beverage. It’s an excellent addition to your daily routine, especially if you’re looking to naturally support your immune system and digestion. Give this recipe a try, and you might find it to be a delightful surprise in both taste and health benefits. Cheers to good health with every sip!