For those who love the unique flavors of pickled foods, sweet and sour ginger might just become your new favorite. Today, I’m excited to share a special family recipe that has been a staple in my mom’s kitchen for over 30 years. This sweet and sour ginger is not only deliciously tangy and sweet, but also boasts a delightful crunch that enhances any meal. Best of all, it’s not spicy and can be preserved for up to a year! Whether you’re adding it to sushi, salads, or using it to enhance your cooking, this ginger recipe is a must-try.


  • 1 pound of fresh young ginger

  • 1 cup of rice vinegar

  • 3/4 cup of sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  1. Prepare the Ginger: Start by peeling the ginger. Young ginger is preferred for its tenderness and mild flavor. Slice the ginger into thin pieces. The thinner the slices, the quicker they will pickle and the more flavorful they will become.

  2. Blanch the Ginger: Bring a pot of water to a boil. Blanch the sliced ginger for about 30 seconds. This not only softens the ginger but also removes any harsh flavors, making it just right for pickling.

  3. Make the Pickling Solution: In a saucepan, combine the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves completely. Do not let it boil as that can affect the flavor of the vinegar.

  4. Combine Ginger and Vinegar Mixture: Place the blanched ginger slices in a clean jar. Pour the hot vinegar mixture over the ginger, ensuring that all pieces are fully submerged. The heat from the vinegar will slightly cook the ginger, allowing it to absorb the flavors better.

  5. Seal and Store: Close the jar tightly and let it cool to room temperature. Once cooled, store the pickled ginger in the refrigerator. It will be ready to eat after a few hours, but the flavors will continue to develop and improve over time.

Enjoying Your Sweet and Sour Ginger: This ginger is perfect as a palate cleanser between dishes or as a flavorful addition to sushi, salads, and even grilled meats. It’s an excellent homemade gift that showcases the richness of flavors that can be achieved through simple, time-honored methods.

By following this easy recipe, you can create a batch of sweet and sour ginger that will last for up to a year, ensuring you always have a tasty and versatile condiment on hand. Give it a try and discover just how delightful homemade pickles can be!