Steaming sweet potatoes is a wonderful cooking method that preserves their rich flavor and nutrients better than many other cooking techniques. Perfectly steamed sweet potatoes are delightfully tender and can be a versatile base for both savory and sweet dishes. Here’s how to get them just right, ensuring they’re cooked evenly without becoming soggy.

Why Steaming?

Steaming sweet potatoes is ideal because it cooks them gently, allowing them to maintain their structural integrity and nutritional value. This method is especially good for keeping sweet potatoes’ low glycemic index relatively stable, making them a healthy choice for maintaining blood sugar levels.

Essential Steps for Steaming Sweet Potatoes:

  1. Prepare the Sweet Potatoes: Begin by thoroughly washing the sweet potatoes to remove any dirt. You can peel them if you prefer, but the skins are nutritious and add a nice texture. If you keep the skins on, make sure they are scrubbed well.

  2. Slice for Even Cooking: Cut the sweet potatoes into uniform pieces, about 1 inch thick, whether in rounds or cubes, depending on your preference. Consistent size helps them to cook evenly.

  3. Use a Steamer Basket: To steam sweet potatoes properly, use a steamer basket or insert. This keeps the potatoes out of the water, which prevents them from becoming mushy. Fill a pot with a couple of inches of water, ensuring that the water does not touch the bottom of the steamer basket when inserted.

  4. Steam the Sweet Potatoes: Place the sweet potato pieces in the steamer basket and then place the basket in the pot. Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and bring the water to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and let the sweet potatoes steam until they are tender, which should take about 20-30 minutes depending on their size.

  5. Check for Doneness: The sweet potatoes are done when you can easily insert a fork or knife into them with no resistance.

  6. Serve or Season: Once steamed, the sweet potatoes are ready to be served. They can be enjoyed plain or with a sprinkle of cinnamon for a sweet version, or salt, pepper, and a dab of butter for something more savory.

Serving Suggestions:

Steamed sweet potatoes are incredibly versatile. Serve them mashed with a bit of orange zest and maple syrup for a sweet treat, or mix them into a warm salad with quinoa, kale, and roasted nuts for a hearty meal. They also make a great side dish for meats and other vegetables.

Enjoy the Simple Pleasure:

Steaming sweet potatoes is a simple, healthful way to prepare this nutritious root vegetable. Enjoy the natural sweetness and silky texture of steamed sweet potatoes and incorporate them into a variety of dishes