Did you know that the combination of cloves and coffee can serve multiple purposes around your home? By mixing these two common ingredients, you can create a powerful remedy that addresses various needs, saving you money and trips to the market. Here’s how you can use this mixture to your advantage.

Benefits of Cloves and Coffee

Cloves are well-known for their aromatic and medicinal properties. They have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic qualities that make them a versatile household ingredient.

Coffee is not only a beloved beverage but also a powerful deodorizer and insect repellent. Its strong scent can mask odors and keep pests away.

How to Mix Cloves and Coffee

Creating this useful mixture is simple and can be done in a few easy steps.

What You’ll Need:

  • Whole cloves

  • Ground coffee or coffee grounds (used or fresh)

  • A small bowl or container


  1. Mix the Ingredients: In a small bowl or container, combine equal parts of whole cloves and ground coffee. Stir the mixture well to ensure the cloves are evenly distributed.

  2. Place Strategically: Place the bowl of the clove and coffee mixture in areas where you want to repel insects, such as near windows, doors, or kitchen counters.

Uses of Clove and Coffee Mixture

Insect Repellent: The strong scents of cloves and coffee work together to deter pests like ants, mosquitoes, and flies. Place the mixture in small bowls around your home, particularly in areas where insects are a problem.

Deodorizer: This mixture can also help to neutralize odors. Place it in your refrigerator, garbage cans, or any other area where unpleasant smells linger.

Natural Air Freshener: For a pleasant and natural fragrance, you can place the mixture in a breathable fabric bag and hang it in closets or rooms to freshen the air.

Additional Tips

  • Refresh Regularly: Replace the mixture every couple of weeks to maintain its effectiveness.

  • Use in Garden: Sprinkle some of the mixture in your garden to keep pests away from your plants.

  • Safe Disposal: When it’s time to replace the mixture, you can compost the old ingredients, making this an eco-friendly option.


By combining cloves and coffee, you create a natural and versatile remedy that can help keep your home fresh and pest-free. This simple solution is not only cost-effective but also easy to prepare and use. Enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, more comfortable living space with this handy mixture.

So, next time you have leftover coffee grounds and some cloves, don’t throw them away. Mix them together and put them to good use around your home. Happy homemaking!