If you’re a fan of the bubbly, refreshing taste of orange soda like Fanta but prefer to avoid the chemicals and additives found in commercial soft drinks, this homemade natural orange soda recipe is for you! Not only is it free from artificial flavors and preservatives, but it’s also simple to make and can stay fresh for up to two years if canned properly. Here’s how to make your own delightful orange soda, ensuring a healthier, bubbly treat that everyone can enjoy.

Benefits of Homemade Orange Soda

  • No Artificial Ingredients: This recipe uses natural ingredients, avoiding the artificial colors and flavors commonly found in store-bought sodas.

  • Control Over Sweetness: You can adjust the sweetness to your liking, using natural sweeteners that are healthier than high-fructose corn syrup or large amounts of refined sugar.

  • Long Shelf Life: When properly canned, your homemade soda can last up to two years, making it a convenient and long-lasting homemade treat.


  • Freshly squeezed juice of about 10-12 medium oranges (approximately 3 cups of juice)

  • Zest of 2 oranges

  • 1 cup of honey or to taste (adjust based on your preferred sweetness)

  • 1 teaspoon citric acid (for preservation and tanginess)

  • 4 cups of carbonated water

  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon natural orange extract for more intense flavor


  • Large pot

  • Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth

  • Funnel

  • Clean soda bottles or canning jars with airtight seals


1. Prepare Orange Mixture: In a large pot, combine the freshly squeezed orange juice, orange zest, honey, and citric acid. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring until the honey dissolves completely and the mixture is well combined. Do not boil. Remove from heat.

2. Strain the Mixture: Using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, strain the orange mixture into a large bowl to remove the zest and any pulp, ensuring a smooth liquid.

3. Cool and Carbonate: Allow the strained mixture to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, gently stir in the carbonated water and optional orange extract if using. Stirring gently helps maintain the fizz.

4. Bottle the Soda: Using a funnel, carefully pour the orange soda into clean soda bottles or canning jars. Ensure the containers are sterilized if you plan to store the soda for extended periods.

5. Seal and Store: Seal the bottles or jars tightly. If you’re using canning jars, follow proper canning procedures to ensure the soda is preserved correctly. Store in a cool, dark place.

6. Serve: Chill thoroughly before serving. Pour over ice and enjoy the refreshing, fizzy taste of your homemade natural orange soda!


This homemade natural orange soda recipe provides a fantastic way to enjoy a classic favorite without the unwanted chemicals found in commercial products. It’s perfect for health-conscious individuals or anyone looking to reduce their intake of processed foods while still indulging in a sweet, refreshing beverage. Enjoy crafting this delightful drink that not only tastes great but also keeps well over time!