Sauerkraut is a beloved dish in many cultures, known for its tangy flavor and health benefits, particularly during the colder months. Georgian crispy sauerkraut, with its unique preparation method, offers a delicious twist on this traditional fermented food, making it a perfect accompaniment for winter meals. This version is not only easy to prepare but also serves as an excellent source of vitamins and probiotics. Here’s how you can make Georgian crispy sauerkraut at home and enjoy its delightful crunch throughout the winter.

The Benefits of Homemade Sauerkraut

Homemade sauerkraut is packed with dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and probiotics, which are beneficial for digestive health. Making your own sauerkraut ensures that it’s free of preservatives and can be customized according to your taste preferences, making it a healthier option than many store-bought varieties.

Ingredients Needed

  • 1 medium head of cabbage

  • 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt (adjust according to taste and cabbage size)

  • Optional spices: caraway seeds, dill seeds, juniper berries (for added flavor)


  • A large mixing bowl

  • A clean, large jar or fermentation crock

  • A smaller jar that fits inside the larger one, for weighting down the cabbage

  • Cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel

Steps to Make Georgian Crispy Sauerkraut

1. Prepare the Cabbage:

  • Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and set them aside. Slice the cabbage into thin strips and place them in the large mixing bowl.

2. Add Salt and Spices:

  • Sprinkle the sea salt over the cabbage. If using, add your chosen spices like caraway or dill seeds for a traditional flavor. Use your hands to massage the salt into the cabbage, squeezing the cabbage as you go to release its natural juices.

3. Let It Sit:

  • Allow the salted cabbage to sit for about 30 minutes to an hour. This helps draw out more liquid, which is crucial for the fermentation process.

4. Pack the Jar:

  • Transfer the cabbage into the clean jar, pressing down firmly to ensure it is packed tightly. The cabbage should be submerged under its own liquid. If not enough liquid is present, you can top it off with a little water.

5. Weight It Down:

  • Place the smaller jar filled with water into the mouth of the larger jar to keep the cabbage weighed down below the liquid level.

6. Cover and Store:

  • Cover the jar with cheesecloth or a kitchen towel and secure it with a rubber band. This allows air to escape while keeping contaminants out.

7. Ferment:

  • Store the jar in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks. Check periodically to ensure that the cabbage remains submerged, and skim off any scum that forms on the surface.

8. Taste and Refrigerate:

  • After 2 weeks, taste your sauerkraut. If it has reached your desired flavor and acidity, move it to the refrigerator to halt fermentation. It can now be enjoyed throughout the winter.


Making Georgian crispy sauerkraut is a rewarding process that results in a probiotic-rich, flavorful condiment perfect for adding a zesty crunch to your winter meals. Enjoy it alongside your favorite dishes, or incorporate it into salads and sandwiches for an extra burst of flavor. Not only will you be enhancing your meals, but you’ll also be benefiting from its numerous health properties. Give this recipe a try and savor the taste of homemade sauerkraut all winter long!