It might sound odd, but keeping a potato in your car can be a clever and potentially lifesaving hack. Here are some surprising ways a potato can help you out in emergencies and everyday situations while you’re on the road.

1. Defogging Your Windshield

Fact: A potato can help prevent your car’s windshield from fogging up, improving visibility and safety while driving.

  • How It Works: Cut a potato in half and rub the cut side on the inside of your windshield. The starch from the potato forms a protective layer that reduces moisture buildup, preventing fogging.

  • Procedure: Ensure your windshield is clean and dry before rubbing the potato on it. Let the starch dry completely before driving.

2. Emergency Signal

Fact: In a situation where your car breaks down, a potato can be used to create an emergency signal.

  • How It Works: Carve out a piece of the potato to create a makeshift holder for a small candle or light. The potato can help stabilize the light source on the road to signal for help or to alert other drivers.

  • Procedure: Cut the potato in half, carve a small hole to fit a tea light or LED light, and place it outside your car to make it visible to passersby or rescuers.

3. Temporary Tire Fix

Fact: While not a permanent solution, a potato can provide a temporary fix for small punctures in your car tire.

  • How It Works: The moisture and starch in the potato can temporarily seal small punctures, giving you just enough time to drive to a safer location or a service station.

  • Procedure: Cut a small piece of potato and push it into the puncture. This is only a temporary fix, and you should seek professional repair as soon as possible.

4. Testing Headlights

Fact: A potato can be used to test the brightness and alignment of your car’s headlights in a pinch.

  • How It Works: Potatoes have a reflective surface that can help you see if both headlights are functioning and aligned properly.

  • Procedure: Place a potato in front of each headlight and turn on the lights. Observe the reflection to check if both lights are equally bright and properly aligned.

5. Providing Emergency Nutrition

Fact: In an emergency where you are stranded and waiting for help, a potato can provide a source of nutrition.

  • How It Works: Potatoes are packed with carbohydrates and some essential nutrients, providing a quick energy boost.

  • Procedure: If you’re in a situation where you have no access to food, a raw potato can be eaten to stave off hunger. While not the most pleasant snack, it can provide necessary sustenance until help arrives.

How to Keep a Potato in Your Car

  1. Choose a Suitable Potato: Opt for a firm, medium-sized potato that can easily be stored in your car’s glove compartment or emergency kit.

  2. Storage: Keep the potato in a cool, dry place within your car, preferably in an airtight container to prevent it from sprouting or rotting.

  3. Replace Regularly: Check the potato periodically and replace it every few months to ensure it remains fresh and effective.

Additional Tips

  • Emergency Kit: Include other essential items in your car’s emergency kit, such as a first aid kit, flashlight, blankets, and water.

  • Regular Maintenance: Ensure your car is regularly maintained to minimize the chances of emergencies. Check tire pressure, oil levels, and the condition of your headlights frequently.


While it may seem unconventional, keeping a potato in your car can provide several surprising benefits, from defogging your windshield to offering temporary tire fixes and emergency nutrition. This simple and inexpensive addition to your car emergency kit can prove to be quite useful in various situations. Try it out and see how this humble potato can be a lifesaver on the road!