Using a candle to remove warts is a traditional remedy that some people swear by, though it’s important to approach such methods with caution. The idea behind this remedy involves the heat from the candle and the belief that it can help dry out and eventually remove the wart. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how this method is typically used, along with some important safety considerations.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small candle (preferably a beeswax candle)

  • Matches or a lighter

  • A small, clean towel

  • Aloe vera gel or a soothing cream (optional, for aftercare)

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Warts with a Candle

1. Prepare the Area:

  • Clean the area around the wart thoroughly with soap and water, and pat it dry with a clean towel.

2. Light the Candle:

  • Light the candle and let it burn for a few moments to create a steady flame.

3. Carefully Apply Heat to the Wart:

  • Hold the candle near the wart, making sure the flame does not touch the skin. The goal is to use the heat, not the flame itself, to treat the wart.

  • Move the candle around the wart, keeping it close enough to feel the heat but not so close that it burns the skin. This process should last for about 5-10 minutes. Be extremely cautious during this step to avoid burns.

4. Repeat the Process:

  • This treatment may need to be repeated several times over a period of days or weeks. The idea is that the heat will gradually dry out the wart, causing it to shrink and eventually fall off.

5. Aftercare:

  • After each treatment, apply aloe vera gel or a soothing cream to the area to calm the skin and prevent irritation. If the skin becomes too irritated, discontinue the treatment.

Important Safety Considerations

  • Be Careful with Heat: The candle should never touch the skin directly. Only the heat from the candle should be applied to the wart.

  • Avoid Burns: Always monitor the temperature carefully to prevent burns. If you feel any pain or excessive heat, stop immediately.

  • Consult a Doctor: If you have a wart that is particularly large, painful, or does not respond to this or other treatments, consult a healthcare professional for advice. Some warts may require medical treatment, especially if they are persistent or located in sensitive areas.

Alternative Methods

If you’re concerned about using heat from a candle, consider safer, more conventional methods for wart removal:

  • Over-the-Counter Treatments: Many wart removal creams and gels are available at pharmacies and contain salicylic acid, which can gradually remove the wart.

  • Cryotherapy: This involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen and is usually performed by a healthcare provider.

  • Natural Remedies: Some people use natural remedies like apple cider vinegar, garlic, or tea tree oil to treat warts. These methods also require patience and consistency.


Using a candle to eliminate warts is a traditional remedy that involves applying heat to dry out the wart over time. While some people find success with this method, it’s crucial to approach it with caution to avoid burns or skin damage. If you prefer a more conventional approach, there are many safe and effective treatments available. Always prioritize your safety and consult with a healthcare provider if you’re unsure about any treatment method.