When it comes to apples, there’s so much more to them than meets the eye—especially when you consider the peel. Many of us peel apples and discard the skins without a second thought, but what if there was a treasure in those peels? Boiling apple peels and drinking the liquid can offer a delightful and healthful twist to your daily routine. Here’s why you should think twice before tossing those apple peels.

The Wonderful Benefits of Apple Peels

Apple peels are packed with vitamins and minerals that can enhance your wellness. They contain a substantial amount of fiber, which supports digestion, and are rich in vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin A, which are excellent for skin health and immunity. Apple peels also boast a variety of antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body, supporting overall health.

How to Make Boiled Apple Peel Drink


  • Peels from 3-4 large apples (choose organic to avoid pesticides)

  • 4 cups of water

  • Optional: A cinnamon stick or a few cloves for added flavor


  1. Prepare the Peels: Thoroughly wash your apples before peeling to remove any residues. Collect the peels and set the apples aside for other uses.

  2. Boil the Peels: Place the apple peels in a large pot and add the water. If you like, add a cinnamon stick or a few cloves for a lovely spice note.

  3. Simmer: Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer gently for about 20-25 minutes. As it simmers, the water will extract nutrients and flavors from the peels.

  4. Strain and Serve: Once done, strain the liquid into a cup or pitcher, discarding the used peels and spices. The result is a warm, soothing drink.

  5. Enjoy: Sip this delightful drink warm. It’s especially comforting on a chilly day or in the evening as a relaxing beverage.

Why Choose This Drink?

This boiled apple peel drink is not just a way to use up what you might otherwise throw away; it’s a smart addition to your wellness routine. It’s simple, sustainable, and beneficial. Plus, it’s a cozy, comforting beverage that’s easy on the stomach and pleasing to the palate.

By turning apple peels into a healthful drink, you not only maximize the use of your apples but also embrace a habit that supports sustainable living. Give it a try, and you may just find yourself looking forward to this humble yet mighty concoction every day!