Coffee and egg might sound like an unusual combination, but in some cultures, this blend is a well-kept secret for creating a unique and surprisingly delightful beverage. This recipe not only enhances the flavor of your morning coffee but also adds nutritional benefits that you wouldn’t expect from your regular cup of joe. Let’s dive into how to make this intriguing coffee mixture with egg.

Richer Flavor with a Creamy Texture

The idea of mixing coffee with an egg might seem odd at first, but this combination has roots in Scandinavian and Vietnamese coffee traditions, where it’s appreciated for its creamy texture and rich flavor. The egg yolk adds a creamy texture and richness that mellows out the bitterness of the coffee, enhancing its inherent flavors.

Improved Texture for a Luxurious Drink

In addition to the richness in flavor, egg whites can be whipped into a frothy, light consistency, turning a simple cup of coffee into a luxurious and creamy drink. This adds a touch of elegance to your morning routine that you would not want to miss.

Added Nutritional Value for a Healthy Boost

Eggs are a great source of protein and essential nutrients, and when combined with coffee, they can help to balance the stimulant effects of caffeine with a sustained release of energy. This means you can enjoy your morning pick-me-up without experiencing the usual crash later in the day.

Simple Coffee and Egg Recipe

Now that you know the benefits of mixing coffee with egg, let’s move on to the recipe of this special coffee mixture:


  • 1 fresh egg
  • 1 cup of freshly brewed coffee (preferably strong and hot)
  • Optional: honey or a sweetener of your choice
  • Optional: a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla extract for flavor enhancement


  1. Separate the Egg: Start by separating the egg white and yolk. If you prefer a smoother texture, use only the yolk. For a frothier texture, whip the white until it forms soft peaks.

  2. Mix the Egg with Coffee: Whisk the egg yolk with a small amount of hot coffee to temper it. This prevents the egg from cooking unevenly when introduced to heat. Gradually add more coffee, whisking continuously until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

  3. Add Flavors (Optional): If you like your coffee slightly sweet, add honey to taste. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon or a few drops of vanilla extract to enhance the flavor.

  4. Combine with Whipped Egg White (Optional): For an extra touch of frothiness, gently fold in the whipped egg white into the coffee and egg yolk mixture until well combined.

  5. Serve Immediately: Pour the coffee and egg mixture into a cup and enjoy it warm. The result is a creamy, rich coffee that’s unlike anything you’ve had before.

A Word of Caution

Before you try this delightful coffee and egg mixture, ensure the eggs are fresh and properly handled to avoid the risk of salmonella. If you prefer, you can use pasteurized eggs for added safety.


Give this secret recipe a try, and you might find that mixing coffee with egg becomes your new favorite way to enjoy your morning cup of joe. It’s not only a delicious and luxurious treat but also a great way to incorporate more protein into your breakfast routine. Upgrade your morning ritual with this creamy and flavorful coffee blend!