Baking soda and vinegar are not only staple kitchen ingredients but also potent DIY pest control solutions. When used together or separately, they can effectively tackle various household pests. Here’s how you can use these natural substances to keep your home pest-free.

1. Ant Killer

What You Need:

  • Baking soda

  • Powdered sugar

  • Vinegar


  • Mix Equal Parts Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar: Ants are attracted to the sugar, and the baking soda is what kills them. Spread this mixture near ant trails and entry points.

  • Use Vinegar as a Deterrent: After applying the baking soda mixture, clean surfaces, floors, and counters with a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar’s strong scent acts as a deterrent for ants and erases their scent trails, which prevents them from returning.

2. Cockroach Trap

What You Need:

  • Baking soda

  • Sugar

  • A shallow dish or a bowl

  • Vinegar


  • Prepare the Bait: Mix baking soda with sugar in equal parts and place it in a shallow dish. The sugar attracts the cockroaches while the baking soda kills them once ingested.

  • Set up Vinegar Traps: Fill several small bowls with vinegar and place them near the areas where you have noticed cockroach activity. The smell of vinegar repels cockroaches and can help keep them away from your living spaces.

3. Fruit Fly Trap

What You Need:

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Dish soap

  • A container or a bottle

  • Baking soda (optional)


  • Set the Trap: Pour apple cider vinegar into a container or a bottle. Add a few drops of dish soap which breaks the surface tension, causing the fruit flies to sink and drown upon contact with the liquid.

  • Enhance with Baking Soda: For added effectiveness, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda around the base of the container. The baking soda can capture and kill any larvae or adult flies that may be roaming near the trap.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly replace the mixtures in traps to ensure they remain fresh and effective.

  • Be diligent about cleaning up food residues and spills, as these can attract more pests even if you have traps set up.

Using baking soda and vinegar provides a safer alternative to chemical pesticides, especially in homes with pets or children. These methods can effectively reduce pest populations without the need for harsh toxins, making your home safer and more comfortable.