
  • Essential oil (choose from citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, or tea tree oil)
  • Witch hazel or vodka
  • Water

Why These Ingredients?

  • Essential Oils: These oils are not only fragrant but also highly effective at repelling mosquitoes. Citronella is a popular choice, known for its mosquito-repelling properties. Eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oils are also excellent options.
  • Witch Hazel or Vodka: Both of these act as a base for your repellent and help dilute the essential oil, making it safe to apply on the skin.
  • Water: Helps in making the solution easy to spray and extends the quantity.


  1. Choose Your Essential Oil: Pick your favorite essential oil or a combination of a few. Each of these oils has a pleasant scent and is effective at keeping mosquitoes away.
  2. Mix the Ingredients: In a spray bottle, mix 30 drops of the essential oil with 2 tablespoons of witch hazel or vodka. Then, fill the rest of the bottle with water. Give it a good shake to blend everything together.
  3. Ready to Use: Your homemade mosquito repellent is now ready! It’s that simple.

How to Use:

  • On the Skin: Spray the repellent on your skin, avoiding your eyes and mouth. It’s gentle and safe but always do a patch test first to ensure you don’t have any allergic reactions.
  • Around the House: You can also spray it around your home, especially at entry points like windows and doors, to keep mosquitoes out.