Do You Wake Up Every Night At The Same Time? This Is What It Means.

Our bodies have internal systems and clocks that help control our bodily functions. It’s important to understand that physical and spiritual health should not be viewed separately; they are closely connected.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the patterns of energy placement in different areas of the body at different times play a significant role. These energy placements suggest that the body dedicates different energies to different organs within a 24-hour cycle.

If you consistently wake up at the same time each night, it may indicate that some of your energy is being obstructed, which disrupts the natural balance. These obstructions can have both physical and spiritual causes. Here is a list of the times and the organs they are associated with, which can help you identify the underlying cause of your symptoms.

9 pm To 11 pm

Between 9 pm and 11 pm is the time when most people go to bed. During this time, the endocrine system restores its balance and the enzymes are refilling.

The endocrine system controls hormones and metabolism. If you have trouble falling asleep at this time, it is likely that you are stuck in a flight or fight mode, either ruminating on events from the day or preparing for the day ahead. Another possible cause of blockages could be poor nutrition or a heavy meal late in the day.

11 pm To 1 am

This is the time when yin energy is turned into yang. Waking up at this time regularly may indicate feelings of resentment that you are holding onto.

Yang energy is very active, and the body is meant to preserve it for the upcoming day. To resolve this situation, it is recommended to stay calm, conserve energy, and reinforce love and positive feelings. From a physical perspective, eating unhealthy fats that the gallbladder has trouble breaking down may also contribute to waking up during this time.

1 am To 3 am

During this time, the body undergoes a detoxification and renewal process. The liver releases toxins and produces fresh, clean blood. If you wake up during this time, it could indicate the presence of negative emotions such as anger and frustration. It’s a message from your liver to address these spiritual toxins.

3 am To 5 am

Between 3 am and 5 am, the lungs undergo repair and flood the body with oxygen. It’s important to keep warm to optimize bodily functions during this time.

From a spiritual perspective, problems with the lungs could be caused by sadness and grief. If you consistently wake up during this time, you can try practicing some breathing techniques. Other possible causes for waking up at this time include ascension, a process of raising your vibrational levels, lucid dreaming, changes in appetite, sensitivity to unusual sounds, and long periods of feeling cold.

5 am To 7 am

During this time, the large intestine is highly active and breaks down toxins, clearing them out of the body. Waking up consistently at this time may be caused by a poor diet or eating too late.