Did you know that there is a simple but powerful ingredient in your kitchen that can prevent a heart attack in just one minute? It’s true! According to herbalist John Christopher, there is a formula using one key ingredient that can effectively stop a heart attack. You might be surprised to learn that this ingredient is cayenne pepper!

Yes, the same pepper that adds a spicy kick to your dishes can actually save lives. Cayenne pepper works by increasing heart rate and improving circulation throughout the body. It also has a hemostatic effect, meaning it can stop bleeding instantly and aid in heart attack recovery.

If you or a loved one ever experience a heart attack, here’s how you can use cayenne pepper to potentially save a life:

  1. Have Cayenne Pepper on Hand: Make sure you always have some cayenne pepper in your kitchen. You can find it in supermarkets, oriental grocery stores, or health food stores.

  2. For Conscious Patients: If the person having a heart attack is conscious, mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water and have them drink it. The powerful stimulant properties of cayenne pepper can work quickly to help prevent further damage.

  3. For Unconscious Patients: If the person is unconscious, you can use cayenne pepper extract. Put a few drops of the extract under the patient’s tongue. This will allow the cayenne pepper to enter the bloodstream faster and potentially have a life-saving effect.

In addition to its heart-protective benefits, cayenne pepper has many other health benefits. It has antifungal properties, aids in digestion, and can even have an anticancer effect. It is also useful for treating stomach problems, flu symptoms, migraines, allergies, obesity, toothache, and arthritis.

If you’re interested in taking a more proactive approach to heart health, you can try making Dr. Schulz’s Cayenne Tincture at home. Here’s how:

Dr. Schulz’s Cayenne Tincture Recipe


  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • 1-3 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50% alcohol (such as vodka)
  • 1-liter glass bottle
  • Gloves


  1. Put on gloves to protect your hands.
  2. Fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder. Pour in enough alcohol to cover the powder.
  3. In a blender, mix the fresh peppers with enough alcohol to create a sauce-like consistency. Add this mixture to the bottle, filling it three-fourths of the way.
  4. Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and seal it with the lid. Shake the bottle several times a day.
  5. Store the bottle in a dark place for two weeks, then strain the mixture. Transfer the final tincture to a dark bottle. For a stronger tincture, let it infuse for three months before straining.
  6. Store the tincture in a dry, dark place. It will never spoil and can be kept on hand for emergencies.

Dr. Schulz’s Dosing Recommendation

If someone has suffered a heart attack or stroke and is conscious, give them 5-10 drops of the cayenne tincture. Repeat the dose after 5 minutes and continue treatment until their condition improves.

For unconscious patients, put 1-3 drops of the tincture under their tongue and begin CPR. Repeat the treatment every 5 minutes until their condition improves.

Remember, always consult a healthcare professional for immediate medical attention during emergencies. However, having a bottle of homemade cayenne tincture can potentially provide a valuable first response while waiting for help to arrive.

Cayenne pepper is a powerful natural spice with incredible benefits for heart health. So, why not keep this tincture on hand and add a little spice to your life while also protecting your heart? Stay safe and take care of your heart!