Do you know that propolis, a natural resinous mixture, can help treat various health problems, including throat infections? Since ancient times, propolis has been used for its medicinal properties and strong immune-boosting abilities. Today, we will share with you a powerful propolis mixture that can effectively treat throat infections and other health issues.

How to Prepare the Mixture

To make this potent propolis mixture, you will need:

  • 30 ml of propolis
  • 300 ml of cachaça (a type of alcohol)

Simply mix these ingredients in a glass jar and let the mixture sit in a dark and cool place for ten days. Afterward, the mixture is ready to be used.

Benefits and Uses

This propolis mixture is not only effective in treating throat infections but also offers numerous other health benefits:

1. Fights Oral Infections

The powerful properties of propolis help combat oral infections, keeping your mouth healthy and preventing further complications.

2. Accelerates Recovery after Surgery

The mixture can aid in post-surgery recovery, thanks to its healing and disinfecting properties. It promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of infection.

3. Treats Herpes Infections

If you suffer from herpes infections in the throat and vocal cords, the propolis mixture can provide relief and help alleviate the symptoms.

4. Fights Inflammation

Inflammation is the root cause of many health problems. Propolis has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and alleviate associated symptoms.

5. Protects the Stomach

The propolis mixture not only regulates appetite but also protects the stomach from ulcers. It promotes a healthy digestive system and prevents stomach-related issues.

6. Regulates Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Oxidized cholesterol and high blood pressure are major concerns for many people. Regular consumption of the propolis mixture can help prevent cholesterol oxidation and regulate blood pressure.

7. Heals and Disinfects the Skin

Applied topically, propolis can heal wounds and disinfect the skin, making it an excellent natural remedy for various skin conditions.

8. Fights Oral Problems

The propolis mixture prevents cavities, plaque buildup, and treats oral thrush. It helps maintain good oral hygiene and keeps your mouth fresh and healthy.

By incorporating this powerful propolis mixture into your routine, you can boost your immune system, fight off infections, and enjoy improved overall health. Give it a try and experience the wonders of nature’s own antibiotic!