She Drank Carrot Juice Every Day For 8 Months, You Won’t Believe What Happened!

Ann Cameron, the famous children’s book author, became even more well-known after her battle with colon cancer. Her inspiring story of triumph over the disease has made many people wonder: can carrot juice really cure cancer? According to Ann’s personal experience, the answer is yes. She believes that carrot juice can rapidly cure cancer, without the need for chemotherapy, radiation, or drastic dietary changes.

Ann’s Journey

In 2012, Ann underwent surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. Despite declining chemotherapy, she felt better and better. However, six months later, a CT scan revealed probable cancer in her lungs. The oncologist diagnosed her with Stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized to the lungs. Devastated by the news, Ann searched for alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation.

During her research, Ann came across a letter written by Ralph Cole, a man who claimed that drinking five pounds of carrot juice daily had eliminated small squamous cell cancers on his neck. Intrigued, Ann decided to give it a try. On November 17, she started drinking the recommended amount of carrot juice every day, without making any other changes to her diet or treatment plan.

The Miraculous Results

Just eight weeks into her carrot juice regimen, Ann had her first follow-up CT scan. The scan showed that the cancer had stopped growing, the tumors were shrinking, and the swollen lymph nodes were fewer in number. This remarkable progress continued in subsequent scans, with the cancer eventually disappearing completely.

In January 2013, after eight months of drinking carrot juice faithfully every day, a CT scan revealed no evidence of cancer. Ann’s swollen cancerous lymph nodes had returned to normal size and were stable. She shared this news with her oncologist, who acknowledged that many natural substances may be effective against cancer but cannot be officially recommended without formal studies and statistical support.

Ann’s incredible journey has given hope to many cancer patients. The effective ingredient in carrots, falcarinol, has been proven to be effective against cancer in lab experiments. The UK researchers Kirsten Brandt and her colleagues have even found that rats injected with a carcinogen had a third reduction in tumor growth when fed a human equivalent dose of a pound and a half of carrots.

Giving Hope to Others

Ann encourages everyone diagnosed with cancer to try drinking carrot juice. Its fast-acting results and compatibility with conventional treatments make it worth a try. However, it’s important to note that medical professionals may not be able to recommend alternative treatments due to lack of formal studies.

Ann Cameron’s story is a testament to the power of natural remedies. While her journey may not be a guarantee for everyone, it offers hope and inspires us to explore all possible options in the fight against cancer. Let us spread her story and shine a light on the potential healing properties of carrot juice!