Looking for a refreshing way to boost your bone and joint health? Why not try making your own pineapple skin drink? Known as Tepache in traditional Mexican cuisine, this fermented beverage not only tastes delightful but also brings a host of health benefits, especially for bones and joints. Here’s how you can make this probiotic-rich drink right at home.

Why Pineapple Skin?

Pineapple skins are rich in nutrients, including vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain, all of which are essential for bone health and joint flexibility. Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production, manganese supports bone strength, and bromelain is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help ease joint pain and reduce inflammation.


  • Skin and core of one pineapple (ensure it’s well washed)

  • 1 cup of brown sugar or piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar)

  • 8 cups of water

  • Optional spices (like a stick of cinnamon or cloves) for additional flavor

  • A clean glass jar or pitcher


  1. Prepare the Pineapple: After enjoying the flesh of the pineapple, save the skin and core. Chop them into small pieces to maximize the surface area that will contact the water, enhancing the fermentation process.

  2. Mix Ingredients: In a large, clean glass jar, combine the chopped pineapple skins and core with brown sugar and water. If you’re adding spices like cinnamon or cloves, toss them in now.

  3. Ferment: Cover the jar with a clean cloth and secure it with a rubber band. This allows the mixture to breathe and lets beneficial bacteria in while keeping contaminants out. Store the jar in a warm, shaded place for 2 to 3 days. The warmer your climate, the quicker the fermentation.

  4. Check the Fermentation: After a day or two, start tasting the Tepache. Once it reaches a slightly sweet, tangy flavor, it’s ready. If left too long, it might become too vinegary or alcoholic.

  5. Strain and Enjoy: Strain the liquid into another clean jar or pitcher, discarding the pineapple remnants. Serve your Tepache chilled for a refreshing treat.


This homemade pineapple skin drink is not just a tasty way to use up leftovers; it’s a powerhouse of nutrients beneficial for your bones and joints. Regular consumption of Tepache can help you lead a more active, comfortable life thanks to its anti-inflammatory and bone-strengthening properties. Plus, it’s a fun and sustainable way to incorporate more probiotics into your diet.