Looking for a way to spice up your morning coffee routine without making a trip to the market for fancy coffee blends? Adding cloves to your coffee could be the delightful twist you’ve been searching for. This simple yet transformative addition not only enhances the flavor of your coffee but also brings a host of health benefits right to your cup.

Why Add Cloves to Coffee?

Cloves are a powerful spice, rich in antioxidants and known for their anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with coffee, the resulting brew is not only aromatic and warming but also beneficial for your health in several ways:

  1. Enhanced Digestive Health: Cloves are known to promote digestion and can help alleviate issues like bloating and gas. Adding them to your coffee can soothe your stomach and start your day comfortably.

  2. Rich Antioxidant Content: Both coffee and cloves are loaded with antioxidants. These help combat free radicals in the body, promoting overall health and preventing various diseases.

  3. Improved Oral Health: Cloves have been used for centuries to treat toothaches and improve oral hygiene due to their antimicrobial properties. A cup of clove coffee can contribute to better oral health.

  4. Mood Booster: The stimulating properties of coffee combined with the soothing aroma of cloves can help lift your mood and start your day on a positive note.

How to Make Clove-Infused Coffee

Creating this flavorful coffee is simple. Hereโ€™s how you can do it at home:


  • Your favorite ground coffee

  • 3-5 whole cloves


  1. Prepare Your Coffee: Start by adding your usual amount of coffee grounds to your coffee maker.

  2. Add Cloves: Drop the whole cloves directly into the coffee grounds. If you prefer a stronger clove flavor, you can crush them slightly before adding them to the grounds.

  3. Brew as Usual: Proceed to brew your coffee as normal. The hot water will pass over the cloves and coffee together, infusing the brew with the aromatic and flavorful oils of the cloves.

  4. Enjoy: Pour the freshly brewed clove coffee into your favorite cup. For an added touch of sweetness and spice, consider adding a cinnamon stick or a touch of honey.


Mixing cloves with coffee is a fantastic way to enhance both the flavor and the health benefits of your daily brew. This simple addition saves you a trip to the market for specialized coffee blends and introduces a traditional spice into your modern day routine. Give it a try and experience how a small change can make a big impact on your morning coffee ritual!