Garlic is a staple in many kitchens, adding flavor and health benefits to a variety of dishes. However, keeping garlic fresh can be a challenge as it tends to shrivel or sprout over time. Luckily, preserving garlic is simpler than you might think, and with the right method, you can ensure it stays fresh and ready to use for months. Here’s an easy and effective way to preserve garlic, ensuring it remains flavorful and vibrant.

Why Preserve Garlic?

Preserving garlic not only extends its shelf life but also maintains its taste and nutritional value. Properly stored garlic is convenient for cooking, allowing you to enjoy its benefits without the worry of it going bad.

The Easy Preservation Method


  • Fresh garlic bulbs

  • Glass jars with airtight lids

  • White vinegar or olive oil (depending on your preference)


1. Choose Fresh Garlic:

  • Start with fresh, firm garlic bulbs. Avoid any that are soft, shriveled, or have started to sprout.

2. Clean the Garlic:

  • Peel the outer layers of the garlic bulbs to remove any dirt. Separate the cloves but do not peel them yet.

3. Prepare the Preservation Medium:

  • Decide whether you want to preserve your garlic in vinegar or olive oil. Both methods are effective, but they offer different flavor profiles. Vinegar gives a tangy touch, while olive oil provides a richer taste.

4. Blanch the Garlic (Optional):

  • To enhance the preservation, you can blanch the garlic cloves. Boil water in a pot, add the garlic cloves, and let them boil for about 30 seconds. Quickly transfer the cloves to an ice water bath to stop the cooking process. Drain and dry the cloves thoroughly.

5. Pack the Garlic:

  • Place the dry garlic cloves in a glass jar, filling it almost to the top. Pour in your chosen preservation medium (vinegar or olive oil) until the cloves are completely submerged.

6. Seal and Store:

  • Seal the jar tightly with an airtight lid. Label the jar with the date of preservation. Store the jar in a cool, dark place like a pantry or a refrigerator.

Benefits of Each Method

In Vinegar:

  • Preserving garlic in vinegar helps to maintain its firmness and adds a slight tanginess. It’s ideal for adding to salads, dressings, and marinades.

In Olive Oil:

  • Storing garlic in olive oil infuses the oil with a subtle garlic flavor, perfect for cooking and drizzling over dishes. However, it’s important to refrigerate garlic in olive oil to prevent any risk of botulism.

Tips for Success

  • Use Sterilized Jars: Ensure your glass jars are sterilized to prevent contamination.

  • Check Regularly: Periodically check your preserved garlic for any signs of spoilage. Properly preserved garlic should remain firm and free from mold.


Preserving garlic is an easy process that can keep your kitchen stocked with fresh, flavorful garlic for months. Whether you choose vinegar or olive oil, this method helps prevent shriveling and sprouting, ensuring you always have ready-to-use garlic at hand. Try this preservation technique and enjoy the convenience and taste of fresh garlic in all your culinary creations!