Garlic is a beloved staple in kitchens worldwide for its distinctive flavor and health benefits. But have you ever wondered how to keep your garlic fresh for up to six months? With this simple preservation trick, you can ensure your garlic remains flavorful and ready to enhance your favorite dishes long after you’ve brought it home from the store or harvested it from your garden.

Why Preserve Garlic?

Preserving garlic can save you money, reduce waste, and provide you with a constant supply of this essential cooking ingredient. With proper storage, garlic can maintain its pungency and health benefits, making your meals delicious and nutritious.

The Best Method for Preserving Garlic

One of the most effective and simple methods to preserve garlic is by making garlic paste and storing it in oil. Here’s how you can do it:


  • Fresh garlic bulbs

  • Olive oil

  • Salt (optional)


  1. Prepare the Garlic: Begin by separating and peeling the cloves from a few bulbs of garlic. You might want to use a silicone tube roller or the shaking bowl method to make peeling easier.

  2. Make the Paste: Use a food processor to blend the garlic cloves into a paste. For every cup of garlic, add a pinch of salt if desired; this can help preserve the garlic and enhance its flavor.

  3. Store in Oil: Transfer the garlic paste into a clean, airtight jar. Pour enough olive oil over the garlic to form a layer about a half-inch thick on top. This oil layer helps prevent the garlic from being exposed to air, which can lead to spoilage.

  4. Refrigerate: Seal the jar tightly and store it in the refrigerator. The cold environment will keep the garlic fresh and slow down any bacterial growth.

Using Your Preserved Garlic

Whenever you need garlic for cooking, simply scoop out the needed amount of paste with a clean spoon. The olive oil not only preserves the garlic but also becomes infused with garlic flavor, making it a fantastic addition to dressings, marinades, or as a cooking oil.

Safety Note

It’s important to keep the garlic oil refrigerated and use a clean spoon each time to avoid contamination. Properly stored, your garlic paste can last up to six months.

This preservation method not only extends the shelf life of garlic but also makes it more convenient to use in everyday cooking. Say goodbye to peeling and mincing garlic each time you cook, and enjoy the ease and flavor of your homemade garlic paste!