Have you ever wondered about the hidden potential in everyday items around your home? Let’s talk about something as simple as eggshells. Often tossed away without a second thought, these shells are a hidden treasure trove of calcium, which is vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Making your own calcium supplement from eggshells at home is not only easy but also a delightful way to tap into their amazing benefits.

Eggshells are made almost entirely of calcium carbonate, a form of calcium that our bodies easily absorb. By transforming these shells into a fine powder, you can create a homemade calcium supplement that’s both natural and cost-effective.

How to Make Eggshell Calcium at Home

Step 1: Collecting Eggshells Start by saving the shells from your regular egg use. Be sure to rinse them well to remove any egg white residue.

Step 2: Boiling Boil the shells in water for about 10 minutes. This step is crucial as it kills any bacteria and removes contaminants.

Step 3: Drying After boiling, spread the eggshells on a baking sheet and let them dry completely. You can speed up this process by putting them in an oven at a low temperature for a few minutes.

Step 4: Grinding Once the shells are dry, grind them into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or a pestle and mortar. The finer the powder, the easier it will be to use.

Step 5: Storage Store your eggshell calcium powder in an airtight container. You can add it to your meals or drinks for a calcium boost.

Incorporating Eggshell Calcium into Your Diet

This homemade calcium powder can be a subtle yet powerful addition to your diet. Sprinkle it onto your morning cereal, blend it into smoothies, or stir it into soups and stews. A teaspoon of eggshell calcium powder can provide about 800-1000 mg of calcium, which is a significant portion of the daily recommended intake.