Popcorn is a classic snack loved by many, but have you ever tried making it in a pan with just a touch of salt and a healthy oil? This method not only brings out the natural flavor of the popcorn but also makes it a healthier alternative to the pre-packaged varieties. Simple, delicious, and incredibly practical, this homemade popcorn recipe will become your new favorite snack. Here’s how to make it.

Why Make Popcorn in a Pan?

  • Healthier Option: Making popcorn in a pan allows you to control the amount of oil and salt, avoiding the artificial additives and excess calories found in microwave popcorn.

  • Better Flavor: Freshly popped popcorn has a delightful crunch and flavor that pre-packaged varieties can’t match.

  • Cost-Effective: Popping your own corn is often cheaper than buying pre-made snacks.


  • 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil (both are healthier options)

  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat the Oil: Start by pouring the coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil into a large pan with a lid. Place the pan over medium heat and let the oil heat up. You’ll know it’s ready when a few kernels added to the oil begin to sizzle and pop.

  2. Add the Kernels: Once the oil is hot, add the popcorn kernels to the pan. Cover the pan with the lid to prevent the popcorn from flying out.

  3. Shake the Pan: As the kernels start to pop, gently shake the pan back and forth over the heat. This helps the unpopped kernels settle to the bottom and ensures even cooking.

  4. Listen for the Pops: Keep an ear out for the popping sounds. When the popping slows down to about one pop every few seconds, it’s time to remove the pan from the heat.

  5. Season with Salt: Immediately transfer the popcorn to a large bowl and season with salt while it’s still hot. Toss the popcorn to distribute the salt evenly.

Tips for Perfect Popcorn

  • Don’t Overheat: Be careful not to heat the oil too much, as this can burn the popcorn. Medium heat is typically sufficient.

  • Experiment with Flavors: While salt is a classic seasoning, feel free to experiment with other flavors like nutritional yeast, paprika, or even a sprinkle of parmesan cheese for a savory twist.

Why You Should Try This Method

Making popcorn in a pan with a healthier oil and salt is not only practical but also brings a delicious, homemade touch to this beloved snack. It’s a fun and easy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re watching a movie, hosting a party, or simply looking for a quick snack, this method ensures you have a tasty, healthier option at your fingertips. Give it a try and enjoy the delightful crunch and flavor of freshly popped popcorn!
