Are you tired of buying mascarpone from stores and not getting the desired quality? Well, worry no more! We have a simple homemade mascarpone recipe that will surpass your expectations. With just 2 ingredients and some cheesecloth, you can make mascarpone that is creamy, rich, and absolutely delicious.


Ingredients and Preparation

Making homemade mascarpone is easier than you think, and the results are truly worth it. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 500 ml of high-fat cream (over 30% fat)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice


  1. In a saucepan, pour the cream and heat it over medium heat. Stir frequently to prevent it from sticking to the bottom. Heat the cream until it nearly reaches the boiling point, around 85 degrees Celsius.

  2. Once the cream is heated, add the fresh lemon juice. Continue stirring gently until the cream thickens. This process will take a few minutes, so be patient.

  3. Take a fine-mesh sieve and place it over a bowl. Line the sieve with slightly damp cheesecloth, making sure to have 4 layers. The cheesecloth will help strain any impurities.

  4. Carefully pour the thickened cream into the cheesecloth-lined sieve. Allow the cream to strain naturally at room temperature until it cools completely. Resist the urge to press or squeeze the cream, as it may affect the texture.

  5. Once the mascarpone has reached room temperature, cover the sieve with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for 10-12 hours. This step is crucial for the cheese to set properly.

  6. After the refrigeration period, your homemade mascarpone is ready to be used. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, allowing you to savor various delightful desserts like tiramisu and more!

Don’t hesitate to experiment and explore different recipes with your homemade mascarpone. Its velvety texture and delicate flavor will elevate any dish to a whole new level of deliciousness.

Now, whip up your own batch of homemade mascarpone and indulge in the creamy decadence that awaits you. Enjoy your meal and savor the satisfaction of creating something truly special!