Making your own laundry bar soap is simple, cost-effective, and a great way to reduce your household’s reliance on commercial products. With just three ingredients—caustic soda, oil, and water—you can create an effective soap that’s perfect for cleaning clothes. Here’s a friendly and easy-to-follow guide to help you get started.


  • Caustic Soda (Lye): 100 grams

  • Oil: 1 liter (you can use coconut oil, olive oil, or even used cooking oil)

  • Water: 300 ml


  • Safety goggles and gloves

  • Stainless steel or plastic mixing bowl

  • Wooden or plastic spoon

  • Soap mold (silicone molds or a lined loaf pan)

  • Kitchen scale

  • Thermometer

Safety First:

Before you begin, it’s important to prioritize safety. Caustic soda (lye) is highly caustic and can cause burns. Always wear safety goggles and gloves when handling lye, and work in a well-ventilated area.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Prepare Your Workspace

Set up your workspace in a well-ventilated area. Gather all your ingredients and equipment. Line your soap mold with parchment paper if you’re using a loaf pan.

2. Measure Ingredients

Use a kitchen scale to accurately measure out 100 grams of caustic soda, 1 liter of oil, and 300 ml of water.

3. Mix the Lye Solution

Slowly and carefully add the caustic soda to the water (never the other way around) while stirring gently. The mixture will heat up quickly, so be cautious. Stir until the caustic soda is completely dissolved. Allow the solution to cool down to about 100°F (38°C).

4. Heat the Oil

While the lye solution is cooling, heat the oil in a stainless steel pot until it reaches about 100°F (38°C). You want the oil and lye solution to be at roughly the same temperature when you combine them.

5. Combine Lye Solution and Oil

Slowly pour the lye solution into the oil while stirring continuously. Stir the mixture until it thickens to a trace, meaning it has a pudding-like consistency. This can take about 15-30 minutes of stirring.

6. Pour into Mold

Once the mixture reaches trace, pour it into your prepared soap mold. Smooth the top with a spoon if needed.

7. Let It Set

Cover the mold with a towel and let it sit undisturbed in a cool, dry place for 24-48 hours.

8. Unmold and Cure

After 24-48 hours, remove the soap from the mold and cut it into bars. Place the bars in a well-ventilated area and allow them to cure for 4-6 weeks. This curing time lets the soap harden and ensures that all the lye has reacted, making the soap safe to use.

Using Your Laundry Bar Soap

Once your soap is fully cured, it’s ready to use! Simply grate a small amount and add it to your laundry for a natural and effective cleaner.

Making laundry bar soap with just three ingredients is a rewarding and practical project. Not only will you have a great cleaning product, but you’ll also enjoy the satisfaction of creating something useful with your own hands. Happy soap making!