Watermelon is the quintessential summer fruit, offering a refreshing and hydrating treat on those hot days. But picking the perfect watermelon can sometimes feel like a gamble. How do you choose a juicy, sweet watermelon from the pile? Here are four secret tricks to help you select the best watermelon every time, ensuring your next slice is as delicious as it is refreshing.

1. Look for the Field Spot The field spot is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground as it was growing. Ideally, you want to find a watermelon with a creamy yellow or even a slightly orange-y field spot. This indicates that the watermelon had ample time to ripen on the vine. A white or green field spot, on the other hand, might suggest that the watermelon was picked too soon and might not be as ripe.

2. Check the Weight A good watermelon should feel heavy for its size, no matter its overall size. This heaviness is a good indicator that the watermelon is full of water and thus juicy. Pick it up and compare it with another watermelon of similar size; the heavier one will likely be the better choice.

3. Tap for a Sound Check Give the watermelon a gentle tap or knock. You’re listening for a deep, hollow sound. This sound suggests that the fruit is full of juice and has just the right internal texture. If the sound is more dull or solid, it might mean the fruit is under-ripe or overly dense.

4. Inspect the Rind The surface of the watermelon should be firm and relatively smooth. While some scratches or marks are normal (and don’t affect the taste), avoid watermelons with dents, bruises, or soft spots. These could indicate that the fruit has been damaged or is overripe. Also, a shiny appearance might suggest that the watermelon isn’t fully ripe. Look for a more matte finish to pick a watermelon that’s ready to eat.

Conclusion: Selecting the perfect watermelon doesn’t have to be a challenge. By following these four simple tricks—checking the field spot, assessing the weight, listening for a hollow sound, and inspecting the rind—you can greatly increase your chances of bringing home a deliciously ripe watermelon. Keep these tips in mind during your next trip to the grocery store or farmer’s market, and enjoy the sweet, hydrating bounty that only a perfectly picked watermelon can provide!