Purslane, often overlooked as just a common weed, is actually a nutrient-rich superfood that you can enjoy year-round, even in winter. Known for its crunchy texture and slightly lemony flavor, purslane is a fantastic addition to salads, soups, and even sandwiches. As winter approaches, you might wonder how to preserve this wonderful green so that it remains fresh and enjoyable during the colder months. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to store purslane for winter consumption.

Benefits of Purslane

Before diving into the storage methods, it’s worth mentioning why purslane is worth keeping around. Purslane is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and some B vitamins, as well as dietary minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. It’s not only delicious but also incredibly beneficial for your health.

Preparing Purslane for Storage

  1. Harvesting:

    • Collect purslane early in the morning when its leaves are most succulent. Choose healthy, vibrant stems and leaves without signs of wilting or discoloration.

  2. Cleaning:

    • Rinse the purslane under cool water to remove any dirt or debris. Shake off excess water and spread it out on a clean kitchen towel to air dry completely, which is crucial to prevent mold during storage.

Effective Ways to Store Purslane


  • Freezing is one of the most effective methods to preserve purslane’s texture and nutritional value.

  • Once dry, chop the purslane into desired sizes and blanch it in boiling water for about 10 seconds. Immediately plunge it into ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain well.

  • Spread the blanched purslane on a baking sheet, making sure pieces don’t touch, and freeze it for a few hours. Once frozen, transfer the purslane to airtight freezer bags or containers. It can last for up to 6 months.


  • Drying purslane is another excellent preservation method, especially if you plan to use it in soups or stews.

  • After washing and drying, tie the stems together and hang them upside down in a warm, dry place with good air circulation. Once completely dried, store the purslane in airtight containers. Crush the leaves when you’re ready to use them.


  • For short-term storage, wrap the purslane in a damp paper towel and place it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. This method will keep purslane fresh for about a week.

Tips for Using Stored Purslane

  • Freezing retains the texture of purslane best, making it ideal for fresh salads and toppings.

  • Dried purslane works wonderfully as a flavor enhancer in warm dishes where its texture becomes less noticeable.

  • Refrigerated purslane should be used as quickly as possible to maintain its freshness and crispiness.


Storing purslane properly allows you to enjoy this nutritious green all winter long. Whether you choose to freeze, dry, or refrigerate, each method offers a way to extend the life of purslane while preserving its health benefits. With these tips, you can continue to enjoy purslane in your dishes throughout the colder months, adding a fresh and nutritious element to your winter diet.