The Most Potent Natural Antibiotic To Treat All Kinds Of Throat Infection

Propolis is truly remarkable. This resinous mixture has been used for centuries to combat various ailments, and its benefits extend beyond medicine. Did you know that propolis is also used on musical instruments and as car wax to give vehicles that dazzling shine?

Harnessing the power of propolis, we can create an even more potent mixture that effectively treats a wide range of health issues. Want to learn how? Here’s what you need to do:

  • 30 ml of propolis
  • 300 ml of cachaça

Mix the propolis and cachaça in a glass jar and allow the mixture to sit for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Once ready, you can use it to alleviate symptoms of the flu, colds, pharyngitis, or tonsillitis. This incredible remedy boasts strong analgesic properties and a rich blend of vitamins B, C, and E, boosting your immune system along the way.

But that’s not all! This propolis mixture can also address other health concerns:

  • Fights oral infections
  • Speeds up recovery post-surgery
  • Treats herpes infections in the throat and vocal cords
  • Combats inflammation
  • Regulates appetite and protects the stomach from ulcers
  • Prevents cholesterol oxidation and regulates blood pressure
  • Nurtures and disinfects the skin
  • Prevents cavities and plaque, and treats oral thrush

So why rely on synthetic antibiotics when nature provides such a powerful alternative? Give this simple propolis mixture a try and unlock the countless benefits it has to offer. Your health will thank you!