For many ailments, from leg pain and arthritis to headaches and varicose veins, traditional remedies often turn to one common kitchen staple: garlic. Known for its potent medicinal properties, garlic has been used for centuries to alleviate a wide range of physical discomforts. Here’s how you can prepare and use a simple yet effective garlic remedy, just like Mom used to make.

Why Garlic?

Garlic isn’t just for adding flavor to your favorite dishes; it’s also packed with powerful health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties, making it ideal for treating conditions like rheumatism, arthritis, and various types of pain.

Ingredients for Mom’s Garlic Remedy:

  • 5 cloves of fresh garlic

  • 1 cup of olive oil or any other carrier oil (coconut or mustard oil can also be used)


  1. Prepare the Garlic:

    • Peel the cloves and crush them lightly to release their natural oils. This step is crucial as it activates the allicin, garlic’s main active ingredient.

  2. Infuse the Oil:

    • Place the crushed garlic in a small saucepan and add the cup of oil.

    • Gently heat the mixture over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to fry the garlic; you just want to warm it to infuse the oil.

  3. Cool and Strain:

    • Allow the oil to cool completely. Once cool, strain the oil through a fine mesh to remove the garlic pieces. This infused oil is your remedy.

  4. Store:

    • Pour the strained oil into a clean glass bottle or jar and seal it tightly. Store it in a cool, dark place.

How to Use:

  • For Joint Pain and Arthritis: Massage the garlic oil gently into the affected areas. The massage helps improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

  • For Headaches: Apply a small amount of oil to your temples and forehead. Massage gently.

  • For Varicose Veins: Gently rub the oil on the veins to help reduce swelling and discomfort.

  • General Usage: For general pain relief, you can use the oil as a massage oil on the affected areas.


Mom’s natural garlic remedy is more than just folklore; it’s a practical, effective solution backed by both history and modern research. Whether you’re dealing with joint pain, headaches, or any other related discomfort, this garlic-infused oil can provide significant relief. Embrace the natural power of garlic and feel the difference in your day-to-day wellness.