When the bountiful grape season is upon us, preserving these delicious fruits for the colder months is a wonderful way to enjoy their flavor and health benefits year-round. Canning grapes without adding sugar is not only a healthier option but also highlights the natural sweetness and flavor of the grapes. Here’s a simple, sugar-free method to preserve grapes in jars, ensuring you can savor the taste of summer even in the heart of winter.

Benefits of Sugar-Free Preserved Grapes

Preserving grapes without sugar retains more of the natural flavors and health benefits of the fruit. Grapes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which support heart health and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Sugar-free preservation makes this snack a guilt-free pleasure, perfect for anyone watching their sugar intake.

Ingredients Needed

  • Fresh grapes (any variety you prefer)

  • Water

  • Jars with lids (sterilized)

Preparation Steps

  1. Select and Prepare the Grapes:

    • Choose fresh, ripe grapes that are free from blemishes. The healthier and more intact the fruit, the better they will preserve.

    • Wash the grapes thoroughly in cold water to remove any pesticides or dirt. Remove the stems and any grapes that are spoiled or overly soft.

  2. Sterilize the Jars:

    • To prevent bacteria growth and ensure your grapes stay preserved, it’s essential to sterilize your jars and lids. You can do this by boiling them in water for 10 minutes or placing them in a preheated oven at 275°F (135°C) for about 20 minutes.

  3. Pack the Grapes:

    • Tightly pack the cleaned grapes into the sterilized jars, leaving about a half-inch of space at the top.

  4. Prepare the Water:

    • Boil water in a kettle or a pot. This will be used to fill the jars and help preserve the grapes.

  5. Fill the Jars with Boiling Water:

    • Carefully pour the boiling water over the grapes in the jars, ensuring it covers the grapes completely while still maintaining the half-inch headspace at the top.

    • Use a knife or a thin spatula to remove any air bubbles by gently running it along the inside of the jar.

  6. Seal the Jars:

    • Wipe the rim of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any grape juice or water that might prevent sealing.

    • Place the lids on the jars and screw the rings on until they are finger-tight.

  7. Process the Jars:

    • To ensure the jars are sealed and the contents preserved, process them in a water bath. Place the jars in a large pot, cover them with water, and bring to a boil. Boil for about 10 minutes, then carefully remove the jars and let them cool.

  8. Store:

    • Once the jars are cool, check the seals (the lids should not pop when pressed). Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place. They will be good for up to a year.


Preserving grapes in jars without sugar is a simple and satisfying way to enjoy this healthy fruit all year long. This method not only allows you to control the ingredients but also provides a delightful, natural treat that can be enjoyed on its own or added to other dishes. Enjoy the taste of fresh grapes any time with your very own home-canned delights!