Have you ever heard of placing cloves next to your pillow at night? This simple, natural trick has been cherished for generations, and the benefits might just surprise you. Let’s explore what happens when you put cloves next to your pillow and why this small change can make a big difference in your nightly routine.

The Benefits of Cloves

1. Natural Sleep Aid

Cloves contain eugenol, a compound known for its soothing properties. The subtle, warm aroma of cloves can help relax your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. If you struggle with insomnia or restless nights, placing cloves near your pillow could be a game-changer.

2. Respiratory Relief

The aromatic oils in cloves have been used for centuries to relieve respiratory issues. Breathing in the clove scent can help clear nasal passages and reduce congestion, making it easier to breathe throughout the night. This can be especially helpful during cold and allergy seasons.

3. Stress Reduction

The calming scent of cloves can help reduce stress and anxiety. Inhaling the gentle fragrance before bed can create a sense of tranquility, helping you unwind from the day’s stresses. A more relaxed state of mind can lead to better quality sleep and a more restful night.

4. Insect Repellent

Cloves are a natural insect repellent. Placing them near your pillow can help keep pesky bugs like mosquitoes away, ensuring you have an undisturbed night’s sleep. This is a great, chemical-free way to protect yourself from insect bites while you sleep.

How to Use Cloves for Better Sleep

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Cloves: You can use whole cloves or clove essential oil. For whole cloves, place a small handful (10-15 cloves) in a breathable sachet or small cloth bag. If you’re using clove essential oil, put a few drops on a cotton ball or small piece of cloth.

  2. Place Near Your Pillow: Put the sachet or cotton ball near your pillow. You can place it inside your pillowcase, under your pillow, or on your nightstand close to your head.

  3. Enjoy the Benefits: As you sleep, the aromatic compounds in the cloves will gradually release, helping you relax, breathe easier, and keep insects at bay.

Tips for Best Results

  • Regular Refreshing: Refresh the cloves or add more essential oil drops every few days to maintain their potency.

  • Combine with Other Scents: If you enjoy aromatherapy, consider combining cloves with other soothing scents like lavender or chamomile for an enhanced effect.

  • Keep it Clean: Ensure that the sachet or cloth is clean to avoid any potential allergens.


Placing cloves next to your pillow is a simple, natural way to enhance your sleep environment. From aiding relaxation and respiratory relief to repelling insects and reducing stress, cloves offer a range of benefits that can significantly improve your nightly routine. Give this age-old trick a try and experience the calming, soothing effects of cloves for yourself. Sweet dreams!