If you’re tired of battling flies and mosquitoes in your home, there’s a natural and effective solution that can help keep these pests at bay without using harmful chemicals. By using simple ingredients like cloves, lemon, and essential oils, you can create a powerful natural repellent that will make your home insect-free.

1. Lemon and Cloves Combination

One of the most effective natural remedies to repel flies and mosquitoes is a combination of lemon and cloves. The strong scent of cloves, combined with the citrusy aroma of lemon, is something these insects can’t stand.

What You Need:

  • 1-2 lemons

  • Whole cloves (around 10-15 per lemon)


  1. Slice the lemon in half.

  2. Stick several cloves into each lemon half, inserting the sharp end of the clove into the pulp of the lemon.

  3. Place the clove-studded lemon halves in different parts of your house, especially near windows or doors where flies and mosquitoes might enter.

Why It Works: The strong scent of cloves and lemon acts as a natural insect repellent. Flies and mosquitoes dislike the combination, and this simple solution can keep them away for days.

2. Essential Oil Repellent Spray

Another natural remedy to keep flies and mosquitoes away is using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, citronella, or eucalyptus. These oils have strong scents that repel insects but are pleasant for humans.

What You Need:

  • 10-15 drops of essential oil (citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint)

  • 1 cup of water

  • A spray bottle


  1. Mix the essential oil with water in a spray bottle.

  2. Shake the mixture well and spray it around windows, doors, or anywhere you notice insect activity.

Why It Works: Essential oils, especially citronella and eucalyptus, are natural insect repellents. Mosquitoes and flies are repelled by the strong scents and will stay away from areas where the oils are sprayed.

3. Vinegar and Dish Soap Trap

For flies, a vinegar and dish soap trap is another excellent way to get rid of them quickly.

What You Need:

  • 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar

  • A few drops of dish soap

  • A bowl or cup


  1. Pour the apple cider vinegar into a bowl or cup.

  2. Add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar.

  3. Place the bowl in an area where flies are prevalent, such as near the kitchen or trash cans.

Why It Works: Flies are attracted to the smell of apple cider vinegar. When they land on the liquid, the dish soap breaks the surface tension, causing the flies to drown.

4. Basil or Mint Plants

Having certain herbs in your home can also naturally repel flies and mosquitoes. Basil and mint are two popular plants that insects tend to avoid.

What You Need:

  • Fresh basil or mint plants (you can also use dried versions)


  • Place potted basil or mint plants near windows, doors, or other entry points.

  • If using dried herbs, fill small sachets and place them around the house.

Why It Works: The strong scent of basil and mint is unpleasant to insects but refreshing to humans. Keeping these plants in your home can serve as a natural deterrent for flies and mosquitoes.

Final Thoughts

Using these natural, chemical-free solutions can effectively keep your home free of flies and mosquitoes while avoiding harmful insecticides. Whether it’s cloves and lemon, essential oils, or natural herbs like basil and mint, you can create a pest-free environment that’s safe for you, your family, and even your pets!